[u][b]Robert Fallson - Grimm Studies[/b][/u] After Delta and Grane agreed to Robert's magnificently simple yet effective plan, Robert took two steps toward the pool before hearing one of the other students address him. Skidding to a stop and almost falling in, Robert turned toward Sepia to temporarily welcome her to the team. [b]"Yeah, sure. The more the merrier. Now I'd say the best place to put you is-"[/b] Before he could finish, another voice interrupted him. Robert now turned his attention toward Cobalt and Diamond. [b]"Alright, more people. So in case you missed it, the plan is to-"[/b] Suddenly, Professor Port told the students to begin the fight and Abel began to take off around the pool. To add more to the confusion, Jack approached the group and began asking questions too. The number of people joining in was getting disorienting and confusing for Robert and he had very little of an idea of what everyone's strengths and weaknesses were. [b]"Um, uh... Screw it. If getting wet doesn't sound appealing to you stay at the edges of the pool with Delta and use ranged attacks. Your main target should be its gills. If you want to get more up close and personal, go with Grane and aim for its fins. Finally, if you've got some kind of death wish, you can join me in trying to distract it and keep it away from everyone else. Ready? Break!"[/b] Without any other kind of warning, Robert dashed toward the pool, trying to land on one of the nearby platforms. While still in the air, he shouted back to everyone, [b]"Fifty lien says that, at some point, I'm going to end up in this thing's mouth. Any takers?"[/b] Robert knew how bad his luck was, so he came up with the perfect way to beat Lady Luck. There was no way he wanted to get turned into a Megaladeus' toothpick. By betting such a large sum of his money he hoped he'd finally outsmarted his "curse". And hey, if he did get eaten he'd have a whole bunch of money from anyone who bet against him, so it was a win-win... if he survived that is. What was he doing again? Oh yeah, not trying to fall into the water. Robert landed on one of the floating pads. It wobbled for a few moments, but he soon regained his balance. [b]"Hehe, I didn't fall in. Already off to a good star-"[/b] Before he could finish stating his overconfidence, a large shark tail suddenly rose from the water and bitch-slapped the poor teen, knocking him straight into the drink. Robert pulled himself back onto the platform, now soaking wet. [b]"The feelings mutual, buddy!"[/b] he called out to the Grimm. [b]"Let's turn this thing into sushi!"[/b] [@floodtalon][@SevenStormStyle][@Forsythe][@Nytem4re][@Jedly][@Sho Minazuki][@Lugubrious]