"Because mutants," Raisa answered sharply as she landed on the platform with the others. The Major pulled his filtration mask off and clipped it to his vest, prompting Raisa to do the same and stuff her mask into her bag. The Major was an aged man, perhaps in his late fifties but quite fit despite that. He'd definitely seen everything, and had the scars from many a battle. His unkept black hair was greying, his eyes were a dark brown. Raisa was an Aryan, as the Nazis would say, blonde hair and blue eyes. She might even look pretty if her face wasn't dirty, or if she wasn't strolling around with a fancy weapon! "I grew up in Kuzminki, born the same year the bombs fell, and the threats were always a problem there... But earlier today everything just went straight to hell, it was inevitable really," Raisa explained without showing a lot of emotion on the matter. She survived for two reasons: one, the Major was a badass, and he decided she'd be worth teaming up with, and two, she let fear consume her and sacrificed others. She'd already accepted the responsibility, and the fact that Sasha probably would have done the same to her. Crush on her or not, few people in the Metro could face down a horde of mutants and not freak out, he would've left her behind in an instant. She kept telling herself this. "I met the old man after I secured the gate behind me, and we decided to take the surface to Volgogradsky Prospekt instead of using the tunnel. Otherwise we'd be in bandit territory - and from what I hear of their kind, they wouldn't be so merciful as to just shoot me in the head and take my stuff. So, we survived the surface, met you, and now there's only what, half this tunnel to walk?" Raisa concluded as she joined Valery in covering the route to Volgogradsky Prospekt, shining her weapons flashlight into the darkness. The Major nodded, "Sounds right. You two go first, I'll bring up the rear while we travel. Stay alert and this will be a breeze."