[h2]Sapphire Rode - Armory Class[/h2] Sapphire thought about Gren's problem for a moment. What he needed was a seal that could be applied between the mask and human skin, which meant that it had to be easily engageable and disengageable once it was no longer necessary. This was not exactly Sapphire's area of expertise given that for this sort of thing she'd be perfectly happy with a suction seal on a gas mask but that aside she thought she had a couple of ideas. They're was a design her mother had used for a certain type of bullet casing when she was little that might be adaptable. "Give me a moment, I'll take a look in the scrap room." Sapphire pushed her schematic into her binder before getting up, crossing the room and entering what could easily be described as the land of lost toys. The scrap room had warehouse like shelves from floor to ceiling and each of them was packed with a vast array of unfinished or defective inventions and raw materials. Sapphire had half an idea what she was looking for. Ten years ago, give or take in order to prevent dust from going off inside bullet casings the insides were coated with a polymer resin that would seal the dust in the round completely isolating it from the outside environment, the resin only maintained its integrity while an electric current was run through it, the moment the bullet was fired, that current stopped, the resin became inert and the dust active. Sapphire reasoned that this resin could be applied to the outside of Gren's mask, when an electric current was run through it the resin would instantly bond to the face of the wearer and once it was disabled the mask would easily release. Sapphire wasn't altogether sure what the effects of the resin would be on human or faunus skin but she could assume their would be some sort of mild rash. The resin had been retired in recent years in favor of more practical cost effective alternatives but Sapphire thought if she could find some very old shell casings somewhere in this mess they should still operate under the same principles. It was another ten minutes before Sapphire located an old almost archaic weapon. In fact it didn't look dissimilar from something her father might have used in the years preceding her mother's death. Most of the components had been stripped likely for other projects but it looked like the firing chamber was still intact. She opened it up and was pleased to find four rounds inside. A closer inspection revealed the that dust had also been removed from them but it looked like the resin was still intact. She scooped them up and navigated her way out of the scrap room. She picked up her stuff from her former desk and sat down next to Gren. Sapphire set the bullets down in front of him. "Inside these you'll find a synthetic polymer resin that should create a hermetic seal when you run a low level electric current through it. Melt the metal down, the resin will separate, apply it to your mask, and rig up a battery, turn the current on and the mask should bond to the face of the wearer, turn it off the mask will come free. Simple enough." If he was testing it on Shiro she supposed he'd find out about any side effects the resin had on faunus skin. She didn't think it would be anything serious thought the thought of Shiro with a giant red ring around his nose and mouth was mildly amusing. Sapphire hadn't given much thought to her own invention though as she'd searched the scrap room an idea had occurred to her. During her match with Napoli this morning, which she'd lost based on a simple technicality, it was clear that she could used increased visibility. The trick she'd pulled with the ice and fire rounds to make steam would have been much smarter had her own sight been unimpaired. A set of lenses that could filter out interferences such as darkness, steam, bright light, sand and snow storms would be more than useful. "I was considering creating a pair of lenses that could filter out certain agents that impair visibility. Got any ideas?"