[center] [color=f7941d][b][h3]Taka Shirokawa[/h3][/b][/color] [img]http://i.imgur.com/K0RoI5p.png[/img] [@Ira] Taka had started to get pulled along with Ira, their hands remaining interlocked together as she slightly looked away. [color=f7941d][i]Ugh! Why do we have to hold hands?! I guess i'll just do it for this idiot![/i][/color] Taka had thought inside of her head, they had been walking around town with their hands still connected. She was confused if she had feelings for this boy or not, she just wished to get this over with, so that she wouldn't ever be bothered again by this guy. Well... she could even try to convince him to join the guild, but that may be beyond due to the fight that he just had with Matt. [color=f7941d][i]What does he like about me anyways? There has to be a specific feature...[/i][/color] Taka continuously thought to herself. Ira then spoke to her as they stopped at a tailor shop, she listened to him before letting out a calm sigh, but then she heard something.[color=f7941d][i]W-WHAT?! NOW HE'S COMPLEMENTING ME?! HE TRULY IS THIRSTY FOR ME![/i][/color] Taka had an internal breakdown with a massive blush on her flustered face, she put one of her hands on her cheek, her body temperature was boiling. Taka sighed once again before responding. [color=f7941d]"F-Fine, let's go here."[/color] Taka had responded to Ira, her eyes looking away slightly to the side before dropping her hand down from her cheek. [color=f7941d][i]This Ira... seriously is mysterious.[/i][/color] [/center]