The human boy stopped his search for a moment and looked towards the strangers [@BytheSpleen][@Baklava] with his curious brown amber decorated eyes. He rose up from his knees and stood up behind a rock. His body seemed childishly skinny but he looked healthy. He had short, somewhat messy reddish brown hair and wore simple, loose clothes. His cotton pants were tied around his waist with a cord and the slightly big shirt was open to his chest. Timid, he looked around to see if there was anyone else besides the who had spoken. When he saw a third person [@nrtashi] approaching he took a step behind the rock for safety. He fastened his eyes on [color=coral]Steven[/color] [@Lord Santa] and stopped moving. After a moment of being still and silent, barely audible to [color=salmon]Lyra[/color] she being closest to him, he said: [color=gold]"I am looking for a flower to Mommy. She needs one."[/color] After a moment of continued staring at [color=coral]Steven[/color] he slowly began to look the ground around the rocks and boulders again. Then he seemed to relax and forget about the strangers that had just arrived and taken him from his important search.