[hider=Caewil][b]Real Name:[/b]Caewil McNamara [b]Alias:[/b] Cath [b]Age:[/b] 60 [b]Gender:[/b] Female [b]Metatype:[/b] Elf [b]Specialization:[/b] Shaman/Face [b]Totem:[/b] Cat [b]Appearance:[/b] [IMG]http://i.imgur.com/xlVYtnk.jpg[/IMG] Caewil is fairly tall at 200cm with a lithe and slim body. She moves with a distinct elegance and stealthy gait, often without making much noise at all. It comes almost naturally to her, just like her ability to blend in with most social groups. Her augmented yellow cat eyes are the one feature that messes some with people’s first impressions of her, but then she has her second augmentation in tailored pheromones that usually helps smooth things over. She looks considerably younger than she is, even if a few wrinkles have appeared on her face. Her clothing consists of older fashion garments that have been torn and tattered over the years, but that is mainly when she can pick her clothes without having to fit in. She has a number of different styles that she can dress herself in depending on the situation. Caewil’s body is covered in a number of shamanistic tattoos in places where they are easy enough to cover up. [b]Personality:[/b] She has a great respect for the ancient spirits, nature and is particularly fond of felines. Her cat eyes is a feature that most would likely remember, but nevertheless she doesn’t regret having them installed as she claims to sense a greater respect towards her from the cat spirits. Sometimes it appears as if she's talking to herself when she's talking with her mentor spirit. Caewil is confident to the point of arrogance, even if she knows how to tone down some aspects of her personality and show others more prominently depending on the requirements of the situation. She can be secretive and keep information to herself unless she deems it necessary for others to know it. Sly and deceptive, but above all she can be quite cruel when it comes down to it. Both Caewil and her mentor spirit enjoys playing with their enemies. She may go out of her way to harm someone before incapacitating them. [b]Bio:[/b] Caewil was supposedly born to human parents in Dublin, year 2015. Whether her parents feared their own daughter or the opinions of others more remains unknown to her to this day, but they did not keep her for long either way. The divine joke that was an UGE baby was too much for them to bear. She believes that she was abandoned or handed over to an orphanage at the age of three at the latest. Her early life was never easy, and she has tried to repress most of the memories of her childhood. She picked her first name herself. It wasn’t until she was in her early teens that life took an unexpected turn for the better. Her search for purpose began to manifest itself in a black cat. The young girl didn’t understand what it truly was at first, believing she had somehow gained a cute stalker with fur. Despite everything that was going on in the world, and that she was an oddity herself, she was genuinenly shocked when the cat communicated with her. However, she grew used to it the more it happened. In a way, it was a comfort for her to have its support and friendship. With the help of her mentor spirit, Caewil did her best to survive on the streets of Dublin. She obeyed the cat, eventually nicknamed Mirage, to the best of her abilities once she realized that it was able to affect her by giving her magic powers or taking them away when she did something it disapproved of. Caewil gave the cat the nickname Mirage after an incident that made her realize that not only could seemingly no one else hear it, but they couldn’t see it either. At the age of 17, she disappears off the grid without much trace. When she does reappear 2032 in Paris, France, the miserable elven girl that was once there is long gone. Instead, there is a noticeably competent shaman that moves in circles that she should not have been able to get invited too. There is speculation that she spent the ten years training under her mentor spirit, whom likely showed her how to cover her tracks better too. Caewil grows more and more skilled in the magic school of conjuring under her mentor. She hones her skills as a Face during the years she spends in France too, assuming different identities in different circles until she is confident in most of them. After she begins to use her skills to con the rich in 2045, it’s a matter of time before she is forced to leave the country. She made mistakes that would teach her valuable lessons, but it was difficult for her to appreciate them back then because there were more than a few individuals that wanted her head on a plate and some of them got very close at times too. Thanks to some of her elven contacts, she is able to return home to Dublin in 2049, which has by then become Tir Na Nog. She spends the following twenty years in Tir Na Nog, finding more luck in the politics and social life there than she had in France. It probably helped that she didn't attempt to con anyone too powerful or vindictive. It happens that she, from time to time, assists her people on the streets with her shaman skills. Her aid grows more and more rare as she gets a foot in with one of the Danaan families. Against her better judgement, she begins an affair with the wife of the head of a Danaan family. It does take a couple of years before her spouse finds out, but by then Caewil thinks she's found actual love. It makes her reluctant to leave the country as she knows would be best, but Mirage convinces her to do so just in time to avoid an early meeting with death. Caewil isn't left with a lot of options regarding what country to travel too, and while she dislikes the idea of living in UCAS she is grateful she has any contacts left that will get her to another country. It's bad for business to mess with the Danaan. Once in the UCAS she lays low for a few years, and eventually becomes a shadowrunner. [b]Cyberware/Bioware:[/b] Cat’s Eyes. Natural lowlight vision, glow in the dark. Tailored pheromones. Cath’s body is altered to release specially designed pheromones to subtly influence others. [b]Loadout:[/b] Several sets of different clothing, wooden quarterstaff, some reagents, Ares Vibroknife, Colt Asp, fake SINs.[/hider] Second version. [hider=Caewil] [[b]Name:[/b] Caewil McNamara [b]Metatype:[/b] Elf [b]Ethnicity:[/b] Irish [b]Age:[/b] 56 [b]Class:[/b] Shaman [b]Appearance: [/b]Caewil is fairly tall at 200cm with a lithe and slim body. She moves with a distinct elegance and stealthy gait, often without making much noise at all. It comes naturally to her. She's augmented her body a bit with augmentations that don't always serve much of a purpose. She's got yellow cat eyes, a black tail and tailored pheromones. Her clothing consists of older fashion garments that have been torn and tattered over the years, but that is mainly when she can pick her clothes without having to fit in. She has a number of different styles that she can dress herself in depending on the situation. Caewil’s body is covered in a number of shamanistic tattoos. [b]Cyberware:[/b] Cat’s Eyes. Natural lowlight vision, glow in the dark. Tailored pheromones. Caewil’s body is altered to release specially designed pheromones to subtly influence others. [b]Magical/Physad abilities:[/b] Fire barrier Slow Haste Fog Quiet Bomb [b]Equipment:[/b] Cat Totem A number of different fetishes Cyber claws Commlink [b]Biography:[/b] Caewil was supposedly born to human parents in Dublin, year 2015. Whether her parents feared their own daughter or the opinions of others more remains unknown to her to this day, but they did not keep her for long either way. The divine joke that was an UGE baby was too much for them to bear. She believes that she was abandoned or handed over to an orphanage at the age of three at the latest. Her early life was never easy, and she has tried to repress most of the memories of her childhood. She picked her first name herself. It wasn’t until she was in her early teens that life took a turn for the better. Her search for purpose began to manifest itself in a black cat. The young girl didn’t understand what it truly was at first, believing she had somehow gained a cute stalker with fur. Despite everything that was going on in the world, and that she was an oddity herself, she was genuinenly shocked when the cat communicated with her. However, she grew used to it the more it happened. In a way, it was a comfort for her to have its support and friendship. With the help of her mentor spirit, Caewil did her best to survive on the streets of Dublin. She obeyed the cat, eventually nicknamed Mirage, to the best of her abilities once she realized that it was able to affect her by giving her magic powers or taking them away when she did something it disapproved of. Caewil gave the cat the nickname Mirage after an incident that made her realize that not only could seemingly no one else hear it, but they couldn’t see it either. At the age of 17, she disappears off the grid without much trace. When she does reappear 2032 in Paris, France, the miserable elven girl that was once there is long gone. Instead, there is a noticeably competent shaman that moves in circles that she should not have been able to get invited too. There is speculation that she spent the ten years training under her mentor spirit, whom likely showed her how to cover her tracks better too. She returns to Dublin and what has become Tir Na Nog eventually. It happens that she, from time to time, assists her people on the streets with her shaman skills. Her aid for the poor grows more and more rare as she gets a foot in with one of the Danaan families. Against her better judgement, she begins an affair with the wife of the head of a Danaan family. It makes her reluctant to leave the country as she knows would be best once the husband finds out, but her mentor convinces her to do so in time to avoid an early meeting with death. Her contacts helps her get to Seattle safely, not that she wants to be there. She really didn't have much choice of where to travel. [b]Misc Notes:[/b] She wants to be a face, but isn't quite charismatic enough and is often perceived as out of place. [/hider] [hider=Avanya] [b]Name:[/b] Avanya [b]Alias:[/b] The Beastmaster, The Mother [b]Gender:[/b] Female [b]Domain (Portfolio):[/b] Creation (Beasts) [b]Domain (Portfolio) Description:[/b] There would be nothing in the universe without the basic process of creation. Someone or something needs to create it before it can be used or altered. Avanya takes a different approach to the art of creation, as she has little interest in lifeless objects that bends to the wills of others. Her creations are alive and well, most of the time anyway. A planet, city or house could all be beasts with basic intelligence that needs to satisfy their own needs. Objects and tools may be a lot more difficult to handle if they were created by the beastmaster, but it’s not of concern to her. If she’s feeling generous, she might even make them less prone to running away or attacking. She makes beasts with all manner of characteristics, but favours those who are dangerous and vicious. Avanya offers little explanation or motivation behind some of the beasts she creates. If it can be done, it should be done. If it can’t, she is eager to try anyway. Others would consider spliced animals that can’t function normally failures, or at least unwanted results of bad design. Avanya loves them as much as what would constitute a success. [b]Alignment:[/b] Chaotic Good [b]Personality:[/b] Avanya is proud of her creations and loves them dearly. She would like to protect them all, but knows that it is impossible in a universe that is cruel and unforgiving, so she tries to make them all able to protect themselves. Many of them are just not capable, but dangerous to other creations as well. She is susceptible to those who pander to her ego by showing her proper respect in the form of offerings, flattery or writing literary works about her. She’s willing to help those who show respect to her creatures, or animals in general, but wouldn’t do anything to help someone who has been cruel to one. Avanya enjoys nothing more than to create, and get praised for whatever result she ends up with. Sometimes she makes useful creations just to get praised. Often she makes whatever she feels like to improve her own skill. Appearance: [hider=Normal] [img]http://i.imgur.com/7YnbrYE.jpg?1 [/img] [/hider] [hider=Beast] [img]http://i.imgur.com/8CVqAZT.jpg[/img] [/hider] [b]Musical Theme:[/b] [hider=My Hider] [youtube]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VUb1p8fm7Ag[/youtube] [/hider] [b]Description:[/b] Avanya is an artist that uses her own divine powers to create beasts of all sizes and shapes. She is a sculptor looking to improve her own skill and create beasts that are as beautiful as they are dangerous. She can be angered if she isn’t shown respect or worshipped by those who would use her beasts. On the other hand, those who are loyal to her might be rewarded with their own special creatures. [b]Concealment Level:[/b] 1 [b]Detection Level:[/b] 1 [/hider]