[center][color=00aeef][b][u]Valkyria Chronicles[/u][/b][/color][/center] [hider=Elise Louque] Name: Elise Louque Gender: Female Age: 26 Appearance: [img]http://i.imgur.com/zMJuERU.jpg[/img] Rank: Private Class: Sniper Weapons and Equipment: GSR-10, Ragnaid. Personality: Outgoing, sly, disciplined and independent. Elise can be quite the talker when she's in a safe environment, and enjoys the company of others, especially the ladies. On the battlefield she's the complete opposite though, and can switch between social butterfly to silent sniper like nothing. It’s often difficult to know whether she’s actually in the battle or not due to how adept she has become at disappearing. It’s happened that she’s used it to her advantage if she wants to be alone too. When Elise first joined the military and underwent training she was somewhat rebellious, questioning orders or sometimes acting by her own judgement, but she prefers to see it as independence now. Bio: Elise grew up in a small village in the east, where she lived out the first years of her life in peace. There wasn’t much that happened in the village. People went about their lives without much ambition or care for the world, and if Elise had been older she probably would have left it behind earlier. She never realized how terrible reality could be until she turned seven. Her mother was killed in an imperial darcsen hunt that ended up passing through their village, even though she wasn’t a darcsen herself. Elise’s mother tried to protect some of the darcsen’s in the village, and was killed for it. The change in her father was abrupt, and while the whole family mourned he openly began to blame the darcsen for his wife death. Elise was young and easily influenced by the words of her father whom she looked up too, so she began to think the same way. Her teens began and went by without any similar incidents, thankfully, even if coming to terms with the fact that her sexuality was different from most other’s was a battle in itself. Once she turned twenty she moved to Randgriz, where she volunteered for the army and underwent training. Her superior officers figured she would make an excellent sniper one day, due to her keen eyesight and discipline. The years spent living in Randgriz was much more enjoyable than it had been for here in her home village, but unfortunately that changed when the war broke out. RP sample: “No, no, no… He’s already home!?” A feminine voice called out, giving her a rude awakening. It took a moment for Elise to realize where she was, and what the meaning of the words were. Once she did, she sat up in the bed as if shocked. It was still morning from what she could tell by looking out the window, the sun hadn’t climbed too far across the sky. She had been sleeping on a large, rather comfy bed placed in the middle of a small room that only had one window. The voice that had awakened her belonged to another woman, a cute blonde with freckles. “You have to hide.” The woman whispered through clenched through teeth to Elise. She was about to reply, but heard approaching footsteps, so instead she gathered all of her clothing and slid under the bed just in time. The door opened and a man greeted his wife with a loving tone. Elise wasn’t sure what her best course of action was, but decided to get dressed and sneak out. She listened to the voices of the couple, while trying to get dressed underneath a bed without making a sound. Part of her was glad she had previous experience of the situation at hand. Part of her hated splinters. It soon became clear that they weren’t going to be leaving the bedroom anytime soon, and Elise didn’t particularly enjoy the idea that she might be caught by the husband. It’d happened before, sure, but she’d never intentionally meant to cause that result. She started to slide herself out from under the bed, in the direction of the door. Luckily the woman caught onto what she was doing and pulled all of the man’s attention towards herself. Elise made it to the door, turned to wink at last night’s pleasure and exited the house. [/hider]