Right, here's the rough outline of a character. I'm sure there'll be more by the time we actually play... it's one of those tricky parts where good background elements don't always develop until you've had a chance to try something out. [hider=Kylie Field] [b]Name:[/b] Ms. Kylie Field. She/Her [b]Age:[/b] 26 [b]Personality:[/b] Shy and nervous in person, but cocky and teasing when behind a mask (Literal or metaphorical) or some other persona. [b]Interests:[/b] your clasic Geekette - Fond of comics, video games, anime, movies, even the occasional forum-based RPG. [b]History:[/b] Works in a call centre. Good at computers to the point of always being the one to troubleshoot the office printer, but by no means an expert. [b]Appearance:[/b] A young woman with dark hair and skin, dressed in... some sort of power armour? Well, it's made of foam rubber rather than future space metal... it might look out of place on the bus, but it'll fit right in at the comic convention. [img]http://i.imgur.com/tcXimQU.jpg[/img] [b]Notes:[/b] Anything else? Probably eventually. [/hider]