[hider=WIP] [b]Appearance:[/b] [img]http://i109.photobucket.com/albums/n60/demetriknighthawk/oldman.jpg[/img] Six foot, two. Eyes of blue. Two thirty two. He is at an Olympic athlete in fitness, able to lift twice his bodyweight over his head. He has no ring finger on his left hand, Bast gave him nine lives and took his hand forevermore. [b]Name:[/b] Theodore Grandt (Americanized to Ted Grant) [b]Age:[/b] 93 [b]Gender:[/b] Male [b]Occupation/ Employer/ Rank:[/b] Former army officer, current gang enforcer/lieutenant [b]Skills/ Abilities:[/b] [i]Powers[/i] [u]Resurrection:[/u] Ted Grant possesses the ability to return from the dead, a total of nine times. These "nine lives" are characteristic of the mythical properties of average house cats. Ted apparently acquired this power when he defended the Bast statue from destruction for nine days and nights. He at one point believed he had used up all nine lives, but was later informed him that he always has nine lives unless he is killed nine times in a single 'cycle'. [u]Decelerated Aging:[/u] The process that enables Ted to return from the dead has also retarded the aging process, enabling him to keep himself in peak physical condition. [u]Enhanced Vision:[/u] In addition to the superfluous lives, Ted Grant also has preternatural eyesight that allows him to see in the dark. He once claimed to have guided a doctor to perform open heart surgery in total darkness. [i]Abilities[/i] [u]Hand-to-Hand Combat (Advanced):[/u] Ted Grant is a master combatant and has used his skills to train others how to box. [u]Boxing:[/u] His favorite, foremost and first learned combat skill was and always will be boxing. No matter how big the opponent or how seemingly impossible the odds might be in or out of combat Wildcat will always solve the issue with boxing. [u]Martial Arts:[/u] He has also mastered other fighting styles like Muay Thai, Capoeira, Krav Maga, and Hapkido. [u]Small Arms[/u] Pistols to sniper rifles, sub to heavy machine guns, hand grenades to rocket launchers. He's used them all to survive. [u]Driving[/u] More than just a pretty face, he can move most land based vehicles from motorcycles to semi-trucks to tanks. A good wheel-man is always hard to find. [u]Medic[/u] By no means a doctor, he was a corpsman in ww2 and kept on top of his medical training by CONSTANTLY having to patch himself and others up over nearly a century. [b]Equipment:[/b] New tech for old techniques... [url=http://www.dynamicleather.com/images/gloves/GLADIATOR-GLOVES.jpg]Gloves[/url] might seem over the top for his line of work and the mark of someone trying to bring attention to themselves. If he has to put these on then the situation is already there. Steel reinforced gauntlets let him deliver even more power to each blow with electrical resistant materials. he has plans down the pipeline to get something that shocks them with each hit. His [url=http://marquis.marquisoffashion.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/11/bulletproof-suit-1.jpg]Suit[/url] might seem out of form for him, and it is. But, there is a certain respectability he has to hold up for Selina and if that means he wears a monkeysuit that can take a 45 at point blank then he wears a monkeysit that can take a 45 at point blank so she doesn't have to. A [url=http://www.gy6vids.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/10/IMG_9780-e1413489252534.jpg]Knife[/url] he got from a captain he helped out of a jam. You stab someone and it blows the injection site full of air, capable of taking off a limb or blowing out someones innards. Not a nice way to go but it leaves a messy impression of shock and awe to scare others. He doesn't like guns, but he still carries a [url=http://www.gunshopfinder.com/smithandwesson/model500.jpg]gun[/url]. 50 caliber revolver, for shooting through one person into the one behind them and leaving no shell behind. [b]Psyche:[/b] Raised as he was, he had a very strong sense of what was right and wrong. Unfortunately that compass was being pulled in the wrong direction. He has had half a century to come to terms with what his people wrought and will never follow another despot. He hoped this draw to Selina is reciprocated and meant to pull her back to the side of humanity from the dark place her life has taken her too. Nothing nearly so noble as white picked fences. but more to the order of protecting those in her pack rather than a bunch of bitches for her use. He is a solider, through and through. Just tell him what to do. [b]History:[/b] born in 1922 in east Germany to very loyal party members, he was one of the first crops of [url=https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hitler_Youth]Hitlerjugend[/url] and did not know any better of what he was apart of to be anything wrong as he had been raised on the propaganda from youth. From 1936-1940 he trained at Bad Tolz and in 1941 he was sent as one of the youngest graduates to [url=https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Afrika_Korps]Afrika[/url]. It was in an occupation in Egypt that he was holed up in a temple of Bast, sitting on one of their munition supplies in the holy walls when they were attacked. The other troops had fallen to poison from one of a dozen sources except for him (who had been busy with a local lady) and he had to hold off an invading presence with nothing but his own wits and enough guns for a full batallion. After nine days and nights of nearly no sleep, he finally got shot in the heart right through one of his [url=https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/0/05/Hitlerjugend.svg/259px-Hitlerjugend.svg.png]tattoos[/url]. He collapsed upon the alter as a sacrifice to the goddess whose hand broke off and clawed up his face. Nine days later he arose from behind the back of a building, missing the ring finger on his left hand as if it were never there and a pounding desire to get the hell out of there. Declared legally dead, he immigrated to America and got his first job on the docks at Gotham and did his best to keep his head down while earning a dollar a day for the next fifty years while hardly feeling the weight of his age. He tried leaving Gotham a dozen times, but every time he left, he felt the pull and an innate wrongness in Star City or Metropolis or even other lands like Kazistan. The chump change wasn't enough to make it by on by itself after the first decade so he got into underground boxing and that lead to organized crime. He was one of Falcone's enforcers for another twenty years before the dismantle under Wayne. He found himself being drawn inexplicably to the diamond claw gang's leader, constantly being at the same place at the same time, offering her a ride to loose the cops more than once. Eventually she hired the old man on and he took to his place beside her with zeal. Something between a patriarchal figure simply because of his age and the handsy uncle because of that strange supernatural draw to her. He would fight for her, he would die for her. As certain as he can be, he thinks he might have already a few times before. [/hider]