[hider=John Moriarty Cullens] [b]Name:[/b] John Moriarty Cullens. [b]Age:[/b] 31 years [b]Personality:[/b] John Moriarty Cullens is a man who is religious and faithful towards Christianity. His sudden change into a higher than Human being is difficult for him. He isn't angry, but he is confused. [b]Interests:[/b] John Moriarty Cullens is interested in acting, singing, role playing, reading books, both fiction and non fiction, and illusionists. He's always been interested in stage magicians. [b]History:[/b] John Moriarty Cullens has always been interested in literary pursuits, but most importantly, authorship himself. He hasn't published anything yet, though he is interested in pursuing writing professionally. When he turned eighteen, he began a job as a librarian, and eventually he became very skilled at writing. [b]Appearance:[/b] -WIP- He is a blonde haired man, tanned skin, green eyes, somewhat bulky and muscular, and kind of tall, at 6'1. [/hider]