[center][h1]Revan[/h1][/center] "Yeah, but it seems like there's something that stoping me from actually doing it. I must be getting soft if I'm letting brats like him off with a warning." Revan grumbled as he took the drought and drained it in one gulp, not even bothering to taste it. Still left a bit of a nasty after taste, but he'd eaten worse before. While he waited for the medicine to take effect, he squatted down next to the Alice kid, snapping his fingers to get the kid's attention. "Okay, listen up ya little brat, cause I'm not saying this twice. If you're going to stay here, you need to know two things: I sleep a lot, and I don't like to be disturbed. So as long as you never bother me while I'm sleeping, we'll get along fine." Once he'd finished giving his usual warning to new people, he turned to look at Matt as he walked back to his rafter, letting out a yawn as drowsiness started to kick in. "Already got you covered, Matt, my hydras are following from the city's shadows as we speak, and since they're low level ones, I doubt even that shifty little shit will be able to sense them. If anything fishy happens, they'll alert me about it. I'm itching for a reason to make good on my promise and rip that kid's head right off. I don't care if the little flame girl has the hits for him, anyone whose willing to kill civilians like that is bad news. We still should bring his ass in anyway, though, cause I sure as hell ain't paying for the damages to the city he just created." [@Lmpkio] [@Leslie Hall]