[center][h3][color=C11B17]Uchiha Touzoku[/color][/h3][/center] [@Keyblade87] [hr] Uchiha Touzoku, the only daughter to Sankage Ayameko, had finally been able to retire from leading ANBU and pursue her life's ambition of teaching the next generation. While still young, only in her late 30s, Touzoku's skills had made it hard for her to stay on her job any longer. The unique effects of her Sharingan had made her one of the best to ever lead ANBU, but it also was what made it so she was unable to continue. As such, she asked to retire early and take on a different role in the village. Ayameko granted the request, not solely because Touzoku was her daughter, but because she knew precisely how much the war had taken out of her. Kyokujitsu no Tochi's Academy was very thorough. They tended to have higher ages for graduates from the academy and it was even strongly encouraged by the village leadership to have continue to train until the age of eighteen. However, there was apparently a few unique prospects that would benefit from early graduation and study under the former ANBU leader. An Uchiha by the name of Akira, and Touzoku's own son Kiken. She was familiar with her son's unique skills by virtue of being his mother, but she had not heard much about Akira's abilities. That meant it was necessary for her to meet with Akira prior to formally beginning their little squad for the village. She had sent one of the academy students to deliver a message to the young genin asking for him to meet with her in a training ground next to the academy within the village. There should could begin to learn about her new student.