[hider=Cythlla] name: Cythlla gender: Female godly parents: Cthulu(elder god of madness) and Kali(Goddess of destruction) sphere of control: Madness, destruction, explosions, and decay. appearance: [img]http://orig03.deviantart.net/e711/f/2011/172/e/a/yandere_russia_by_mikitk-d3jmotf.png[/img] personality: Cythlla is rarely in a sane state of mind. She loves to see things explode or be destroyed. But what she loves even more than that is driving people mad. She loves to persuade people to do something evil of their own will. She also has a tendency to constantly be digging, what she’s digging for is anyone’s guess though. sacred animal: Pigeons powers: Cythlla has the power to summon tentacles from her back and mouth to grab her foes. She also has something called the mist of madness, which she can spread to make others go mad. Cythlla can also dig into the ground rather quickly. Cythlla also has power over pigeons, and pests meaning bugs, though this is limited. List of other powers: Transforming into many hideous creatures Speaking a dialect that no one can understand, not even her. Mirror of reflection: reflects attacks on her back at the enemy. Body of Mist: Can change her body into the same mist that makes others go mad. Weapon(s): Shovel other: When Cythlla isn’t talking to anyone she is often found digging, looking for something, some say that she is looking for her sanity.(false rumor) [/hider] [hider=Zeltrax] [img]http://vignette4.wikia.nocookie.net/powerrangers/images/f/f4/Xandred.jpg/revision/latest/scale-to-width-down/174?cb=20101011132421[/img] name: Zeltrax gender: Male godly parents: NA sphere of control: Corruption, distrust, and betrayal personality: Zeltrax is very manipulating person, his end goal is to create a civil war between the gods. Zeltrax will manipulate anyone he believes useful. He is also believed to have poison words. sacred animal: Velociraptor powers: Seed of Corruption: This is a something that he can plant in one’s mind, all he has to do is to utter a few poison words, or even touch their head and the seed of corruption is planted. The seed of Corruption it’s self will make the victim start to mistrust those around them. Eventually the victim will betray those closest to them. Godly norms: He can fly, thought it's more of a float. He can also twist the space around him as a sort of teleport. It can only be used in long distance though and can't be used for short teleports. Fire Magic: You know what this is, but this also includes summoning meteors. Twisted Shield: It is a shield that reflects attacks aimed at him back onto the user. However this only works for projectiles, when it is a physical attack it is possible to break the shield. weapon(s): He uses a very large Scimitar that he calls the "Sword of Mistrust" If hit by this weapon his enemy will start to mistrust those around them, this also plants a Seed of Corruption in them. other: Zeltrax is not a God from Earth, he is from a different planet entirely, one which he had fully corrupted and has set his sights on earth as the next one to corrupt. He has decided that in order to truly corrupt the earth he must first corrupt the gods. He also has a sort of bad history with Cthulhu which may be discovered later. [/hider] [hider=Ratatoskr] name: Ratatoskr (Rata) gender: Male godly parents: NA sphere of control: Stealth, Electricity, Small woodland creatures, trees, acorns, Messengers appearance: [img]http://hydra-media.cursecdn.com/smite.gamepedia.com/5/51/T_Ratatoskr_Default_Card.png?version=739cdd77184110e6dcaf74e3adfe2e48[/img] personality: Ratatoskr, or just Rata as he likes to go by unlike most of the other gods, doesn’t resemble a human at all. Instead he is a squirrel and is quick on his feet, he loves acorns more than he does anything else. He also uses his cute features to his advantage often creating a distraction. But other wise he is a kind squirrel, though a little annoying at times. sacred animal: Squirrels, and chipmunks powers: Rata can control lightning as well as use it to run quickly. He can even run through the air even acting a flying squirrel. He is regarded as the fastest among the gods as well, which is why he is often used as a messenger between them, going as fast as light so long as he doesn’t have to turn. Rata can do multiple things with electricity, this includes making weapons out of it, paralyzing, and using it as a shield. Rata can also throw acorns as projectiles, though he mostly throws rotten acorns instead of the good ones, which he eats. weapon(s): Only his claws. And rotten acorns. other: Ratatoskr is a messenger of the gods, he is the fastest when it comes to running straight and not turning. He also lives inside of Yggdrasil. [/hider]