[h2][color=blue]Bristle[/color][color=purple]bane[/color][/h2] Bristlebane woke up an alley, looking around with blurry eyes. Where was he and how had he gotten here? Both good questions but he was to lazy to figure out the answer to either of them. Instead he wanted to be part of something fun. Deciding on his usual way of finding something exciting Bristlebane grabbed his portal stone and hurled it into the air as far as he could and closed his eyes. Several seconds later he felt the sudden jerking sensation and appeared in front of two other people. Alex something and... Damon? Yeah Damon. They looked like they were meeting for something. "[b]Are we doing a job, what kind of job, where are we going?[/b]" Bristlebane asked, firing off the questions in rapid succession. If he was right this was the beginning of an adventure! [@WaddleDaisy][@Kal-El]