Varia nodded as he talked about finding someone or something. "Yes it's very important." She insisted as she watched the dog come in. A beautiful animal she'd never seen the likes of and her heart, oh how she felt it melt upon seeing his cute doggy face! He watches him take care of the child. It reminded her of someone back home. Or what she thought was home. A parental figure comforting her before....darkness took it away. The war. These children were lucky not to have seen war. And as long as she was here, she was going to see that no child ever did see war. She knew it in her soul as she clenched her fist in determination. The dog came upto her wagging its tail and licked her hand. It was such a shock that she giggled in surprise. Nothing had ever licked her before. She held her other hand over his head and instinctively patted it, but very timidly, unsure of herself and whatever this creature was. "So you live here?" She asked as she looked around the house. Filled with small objects she'd never seen before.