Of course he was the last to arrive to the mansion. He could already see the last few making their way past the gorilla of a man known as Bruno. Lenny knew the drill, well; everyone knew the drill really but he couldn't help self but to think ," Your going to be a old man one day then I would watch out buddy". Handing over his pistol he made his way into the place. After a moment of looking around he begun greeting the maids, and doormen with a polite smile here and there. Lenny he made sure to give his respects into the Don or the underboss. Although both were short and simple it was the thought and deed that showed his respect. For one yea the Don kinda made him feel uneasy and the underboss well most just think she would rather watch your organs take a spin on a mary go round, then to actually give a shit about most people. And then without missing a beat he ran into who he could guess was the underboss's sister. The resemblance undeniable, so with a greeting gesture through the tipping of his hat it was time to exit stage left as some would say. So there was only one thing left to do really, any guy could appreciate good food. He had seen the enforcer just moments ago make is way through kitchens. He figured why not grab a bite to eat and say hello. With a shrug, off Lenny went grinning to ear to ear thinking its shame of how little we each never really talk to each other.