Within the Jedi Archives, a young human male, tip-toeing along, crept up behind a Twi'lek reading something on her datapad, most likely accessed using the library's interface.. He was about to tap her shoulder when she turned around, full smile, and batted his hand back with her own. "Did you really think you could sneak up on me like that, Xai?" The Twi'lek asked. "I can feel you from a mile away." Xai'qui then went full grin, "Did you think I would stop trying, Jas? Especially when you're reading about,"the lad checked what page was open. "Thought so, reading about that Barsen'thor again. The Hero of Tython is still the better hero, stopping the planet-busters, taking on the Emperor himself. Come on, how can you prefer the diplomat who never had a harder challenge than merely some minor Sith lords?" Jasma sighed,sometimes wondering why she bothered, "The Third Barsen'thor cured Jedi Masters from Dark Side possession, freed an entire planet from invasion almost single-handedly, faced a few Darths herself, even confronted a First Son of the Emperor and actually rid the galaxy of its threat instead of having the Emperor survive somehow. Does your master just give you time to debate with me or are you shirking your duties again?" The black-haired lad made his best offended look," Me? Shirk my duties for the Jedi order? How could you accuse me of such a crime?" Then his face relaxed, "Shirking from meditation and dish-washing do not count. And the only reason I have time right now is because me and Sir Driscoli were given R&R time before our next assignment. Of course, he's knocking on the sky right now, trying to peer into the future. So I figured if you were around, you might be here, reading about ancient Jedi arts or your table-sitting friend." "Oh Xai," Jasma then made an exaggerated sigh and the two started chuckling together, like in their initiate days. "Well, I guess you can say that me and Sir T'ish are also R&R-ing before our next assignment," said the Twi'lek as she started calming down. "T'ish is up in his room, doing his lightsaber meditations to the sounds of rain and bubbles. There was nothing going on in the healing room, so I thought I'd read for a bit. I wasn't sure if you would be here." "It has been a while hasn't it Jas?" Xai said thinking back to their last time together. "A very long while Xai," replied Jas, thinking of that same time. "Though hopefully the war should end soon and then travels won't be required that often. Then we can meet up on a regular basis and..." She stopped and felt around, an unease fell over her, a sense of dread... and fear. "Jas, anything wrong Jas?" The human said, trying to break through whatever had come over her. Then he felt it too, faintly but vividly. The Twi'lek then started fiddling with her datapad, "Xai, help me back up the archives. This won't be able to hold all of them. Just help me find some, any digital storage units." "Right," Xai replied. Then the two scrambled about, searching for what to backup the database onto.