[img]http://25.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_mcthea6RJh1rjcvzro1_500.jpg[/img] Name: Oscar Knott Age: 19 Powers: Psionic Weapons: Oscar needs no weapons, his powers more than sufficient Bio: Oscar was born to a high-middle class family in a private suburb. He lived most of his life as a normal boy until he reached puberty. He began to hear voices in his head, thinking himself insane. His family committed him and finally Oscar realized that the voices had come from outside, not from his own. Eventually, he controlled his powers and was released from the hospital. Not soon after though, came the visions. He dreamed of people deaths and eventually the guilt caught up to the boy. He spoke up, telling his teacher who he'd dreamed would die in a violent motor vehicle the following night. His teacher behaved as any normal would and flipped on his student, putting in a call to the school's principal. With motions in action to send Oscar back to the asylum, he began packing his bags. Before that could happen, his teacher died exactly as Oscar had predicted, eliciting a visceral response from the town. It was nearly like Salem as the townspeople banded and voted to have the boy removed from the town proper. With local law enforcement and a large number of the town's populace showed in front of Oscar's house. The boy panicked, packing only the minimum to skip town. With so much force, he tried to escape through his window, only to be grabbed by police officers. He struggled, which only made the cops force him to the ground aggressively. As his jaw hit ground, Oscar let out a visceral scream , the cops flying into trees and his own house respectively. One of the officer's backup fired at Oscar, only to catch his own bullet. Oscar ran away, manipulating people as he went. They gave him whatever he asked for whether that be money, food, or a place to stay. Eventually Ms. Dawson's people caught up with him and offered a deal he couldn't refuse. Then he was on the fast track to the glorified prison for super powered kids. Dreams/Wishes: To be accepted by his family. Evil, Good, Walking the Line: Walking the Line Siblings (If Any): None that matter Pets (If Any): None [hr][hr] [img]http://1.bp.blogspot.com/-j3w_LpF6PPg/UIDheCnRs1I/AAAAAAAAB3c/loicr92YSj0/s1600/anime-boy-tumblr%252B%252817%2529.jpg[/img] Name: Kenny Brookes Age: 17 Powers: Absolute Regeneration Bio: Kenny grew up hiding his secret after a dog bit him when he was just a five year old. The bite had instantly healed, before it barely had time to bleed. After that, he tried hard to conceal his supernatural status. He avoided contact sports in his schools and dangerous activities with friends. His family spoiled him, providing opportunity to pursue his love, martial arts. In his time before he went to Ms. Dawson's, Kenny learned Judo, Jiu-jitsu, Aikido, and Muay Thai. His family traveled on vacation to the Keys. They had finally settled into their hotels, unpacked, and had headed to the beach. They were enjoying a romp in the waves when fate reared its head. His younger sister, Jade, was swimming deep in the ocean when the warning went out. A shark had been sighted up the shore and swimmers were told to leave the waters. Riptide had come and Kenny's sister was being pulled farther and farther from shore. He swam as hard as he could, eyes trained on Jade the entire way. As he reached her, a fin broke the surf. Kenny swam back to shore, even as the shark ripped into his legs. His powers made sure to keep him alive, able to kick and pull until Jade could break back to shore. Kenny let himself be pulled back into the water and out. Eventually Kenny escaped and swarm far down the shore, coming up under the piers. With some borrowed clothes from good-natured tourists, he made it back to his family's hotel. They had assumed he was dead and flipped when they saw him again. They screamed and denied that their son was one of their freaks on the television. Rejected by his family, Kenny left for Ms. Dawson's soon after. Evil, Good, or Walking the Line: Good Siblings: Jade (possibly a super) Pets: A full grown Huskie- Orion.