Races Let’s meet the races that dwell within the world of Tiien and the possible PC choices. Hybrids of these races are possible but depending on the combo,very rare occurrences. Most times frowned upon, resulting in the offspring being banished or killed. Now these are the basics for each race, details found upon the character depository for behavior, cultural habits, or other important information. [hider=Naerse And Yarsomer Humans Examples] [img] https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/236x/9d/a0/fa/9da0fa86fe2990cecf7d36c40fca74de.jpg [/img] [img] https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/736x/25/ac/44/25ac44ca9de32ff2d5e38c04127b14b5.jpg [/img] [img]https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/236x/3c/4f/8a/3c4f8af5be598d25a27f55cd82b764f4.jpg [/img] [img] https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/736x/a6/8a/d1/a68ad12e81fce352c6474ad73840593e.jpg[/img][/hider] [b]Name: [/b] Humans: Naerse and Yarsomere [b]Lifespan[/b] 60 years [b]Brief Description:[/b] [indent] Pretty self explanatory, however humans are divided into basic groups based on origins and appearances. However they can vary between each individual. The two types are Naerse and Yarsomere. Naerse are white skinned, their hair ranging from dark raven black to sandy blond, and their eyes usually blue or green. Their height reaches up to only 5’5” in average height through some are both shorter or taller depending on the lineage. Yarsomere are darker skins ranging from tan to pure black due to their more desert like surroundings. Their hair is often black to brown with blond being rather rare, though not impossible. Their average height is up to 6 foot and higher, their built made more for running long days in the hot sun. [/indent] [b]Biological Traits [/b] [list] [*] Yarsomerians have a high tolerance to heat from the sun, their bodies use to wandering and traveling long hours in the hot desert. The sun burns their skin very little while being out there. This means cold can take a terrible toll on their system causing sickness and gain frostbite easier. Naerse are more resistant to cold weather though they still fall short of Snow Elves, their tolerance to prolonged exposure being around -20 degree range without the right equipment. For Naerse, hotter and humid temperatures give them higher risk of heat stroke and sickness. [*] Out of all the races, humans are the most versatile and individual when it comes to aspects. While they might not reach the extremes of the other races, no single two humans are exactly the same in their agility, speed, strength, endurance, or stamina. This enables a wide range of individualism among one single race. [/list] [b]Most Commonly Seen:[/b] [indent]Most commonly seen in Eania, Djarkel and Yarosmere, humans have a wide range they can live in throughout Tiien. However, the Scorched Lands are toxic to any but the Esyire. And some areas like the Ravine are too dangerous save for the most determined soul. [/indent] [b]Additional Information:[/b] [indent] Humans have the highest mage population out of all the races, their aptitude for triggering their much higher than other races. This not to say they are much better at it however. Like other attributes, mastery and power often depends on experience, training and the individual themselves. [/indent] [hr] [hider=Orc Examples] [img]http://i.imgur.com/7yZSnF2.jpg[/img] [img]http://i.imgur.com/ajiXqYh.png[/img] [img]http://i.imgur.com/l95P5IG.jpg[/img] [img]http://i.imgur.com/vAfZb9D.jpg[/img] [img]http://i.imgur.com/9tihoGz.jpg[/img][/hider] [b]Name: Orcs/Orks[/b] [b]Lifespan[/b] Natural lifespan of 50 years, though half-orcs can last as long as humans [b]Brief Description:[/b] [indent]Large humanoids with colored skin, tusks, and naturally tough bodies. They average around 5-to-6 feet, however orcs beyond 7 feet is not unheard of. Commonly depicted as green-skinned, orcs can actually have a variety of pigments from brown, red, purple, yellow, even more human skin-tones. [/indent] [b]Biological Traits [/b] [list] [*] Large bodies with greater-than-average muscle mass. However, while they are thicker and able to resist more physical damage, their strength is still considered within human limits. [*] Tusks of varying sizes, typically suitable for tearing through flesh and even inorganic matter. Orcs only get one set of tusks, so if they are damaged this can hinder their ability to chew through hides, bones, and more on a carcass. [*] Dense bones with more resistance towards impact and trauma, particularly in the skull. This also adds weight, resulting in them [*] Thick leathery skin which allows them to shrug off minor cuts and bruises. Even includes the inside of their mouth, allowing them to consume more dangerous food. While it can protect them from outside elements for a limited time, it both numbs their sense of touch and traps excess heat requiring them to use other means to cool themselves. [*] Greater metabolism which allows them to process foods and nutrients faster, this even allows them to eat almost anything edible or inedible with little issue. However, while their metabolism is high in strength and speed there’s one big flaw that comes with it. The metabolism shortens their lifespan compared to the other races. [*] Certain orcs have been known to have keen noses like that of a dog or boar. This also means intense and new scents can be distraction, even crippling if too powerful. [/list] [b]Most Commonly Seen:[/b] [indent]Torrin and Oelik Hold Any other places by chance or merely those two? Also, might want to put a link in the names so players can click to get to that section easily for cultural info. [/indent] [b]Additional Information:[/b] [indent] Orcs are capable of creating hybrid offspring with most other races, humans being one of the more common half (When one calls themselves half-orc, it’s generally assumed the other half is human). While most would recognize an orc by his strength(It would likely be by their tusks and appearance), the true value of an orc is by their endurance; next to dwarves orcs can take quite a beating and sustain some life even after taking mortal injuries. Magic is known to orcs, however for some reason or another orc mages are quite few. Due to their relatively short life spans, an orc who doesn’t reveal their magical ability early into childhood may not have the opportunity to master their magic if they discover it in their adulthood. [/indent] [hr] [hider=Dwarf Examples] [img]https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/736x/d2/02/3b/d2023b81cbc2cba52fb3fd7cc2385c0e.jpg[/img] [img]https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/736x/4b/6d/74/4b6d744d4352319fb2fe90b92c72a1b4.jpg[/img] [img]https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/236x/4d/85/27/4d85277ffd0d9dd880b119a311f5386f.jpg[/img] [img] https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/236x/cc/bc/22/ccbc222c7b390b0c0ef93082661515e9.jpg[/img][/hider] [b]Name: [/b] Dwarves [b]Lifespan[/b] 75-90 years [b]Brief Description:[/b] [indent] Dwarves are compact and short, reaching only to the heights of 3-4 feet tall. They are built tough and suited to remain long time underground without suffering lasting side effects. Many male dwarves have adopted facial hair where they can braid and tie in various ways, each culture of dwarves having their ways to style their beards. Females tend to braid their hairs instead through they ensure it still battle fitting. [/indent] [b]Biological Traits [/b] [list] [*] Dwarves are strong for their size and able to lift about double their whole weight, putting small strain on their compact figures. However their stamina and speed suffers, falling below normal humans when it comes to lengthy tasks. [*] Dwarves have limited reach due to their small stature, their legs need to take double to triple strives in order to keep up with people. Their bones are much sturdier as well enabling them to take as almost as much damage as orcs. [*] They can see in utter darkness thanks to an additional sensory, but 2-3 feet beyond them at a time. It means they require no light at all to get a black and white image of what's in front of them. [*] An innate sense of direction, Dwarves are difficult to get lost due to their connection to the ground, earth and rocks. Drop them almost anywhere and they are able to instinctive find their way to the nearest familiar landmarker. Despite their great navigational skills, magical means can still cripple their ability leaving them just as lost as everyone else. [/list] [b]Most Commonly Seen:[/b] [indent] Ironstead, a settlement with both above and underground spect to the city. It’s mainly a dwarven made city through it welcomes surface dwellers. [/indent] [b]Additional Information:[/b] [indent] Most Dwarves, mentally, have a high tolerance to pain. However this is less of a biological feature and more dependent on the individual, upbring, and outside factors. Many believe this comes from their stubborn streak and how they refuse to give in. Also, Geomancy and Herbamancy seem the most common blood among Dwarves possibly due to their environment. [/indent] [hr] [hider= Snow Elf Examples] [img] https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/736x/27/68/64/2768645c8b50c7a46a91b402dfd0153a.jpg [/img] [img] https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/736x/9c/86/c1/9c86c1b01588edab64fab7a8486e1781.jpg[/img] [img] https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/736x/33/a4/01/33a4011fd7eb2dd672cfa2a7ae7a60ec.jpg [/img] [img] https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/736x/65/7b/10/657b102ea58b06db13feaed810610b60.jpg[/img][/hider] [b]Name: [/b] Snow Elf [b]Lifespan[/b] 87-90 [b]Brief Description:[/b] [indent] Living in the Glacier Lands has taken the most changes upon the Snow Elves, altering from their height to body structures and even coloring. Their height now reaches up to around 2-3 foot, being the shortest of the races within Tiien, and lowering their food needs in order to survive. Most Snow elves appear to look as they have been lightly frosted, giving their skin a bluish hue and their hair ranging in pure white to lighter colors of white. Like their woodland cousins, they have various pointed ear lengths that can range from being as big as their heads to human size with a tiny point. [/indent] [b]Biological Traits [/b] [list] [*] Snow Elves have a high tolerance to below zero temperatures because they grew up with it all their lives. This means they can’t freeze and remain in frosty weather for extended periods of time compared to the other Races without risking frost bite. On the other hand, magical means like being attacked by cryomancy or runes are unaffected and will do normal damage. Heat is tough for them to work through and even the milder warmer temperatures can be uncomfortable. [*] Their small structure allows more energy from small amounts of food or water. This means they can eat one large meal and endure days before they can catch their next one. Even Snow Elves, however, have their limits for how long they can go without food and any longer than half month results in starvation. [*] In addition to not needing much food or water, they are very light compared to the other races. This makes walking on thin ice or other surfaces with high weight restrictions a breeze to get across. On the down side, they are rather easy to knock about since there’s little weight to hold them down to earth. [*] Snow Elves can’t be blinded by sudden flares, flashes or other light sources. This can range from snow blinding in storms to glare off the ice, even sudden blazes of fire. Effects that mental is another matter, like from psychomancers to runes. Another weakness is that the light source can be distracting if there’s little to no warning, keeping the Elf from completing their assigned task, even damaging their eyes when staring into the source too long. [*] Snow and Wood Elves, have one trait in common. Their higher hearing range and-as mentioned in the Wood Elves- can reach up to half a mile radius and just as sharp. Magical and soft stepping, however, can often bypass an elf’s sharp hearing through any small mistake will quickly alert them to their stalker’s presence. [/list] [b]Most Commonly Seen:[/b] [indent] Glacier Lands or other wise known as the Frost Plains, this hostile land is nothing more than small part pine forests and greater part frozen waste lands. [/indent] [b]Additional Information:[/b] [indent] Snow elves have a deep bond with their tribe, often moving nomads, and often their choices end up being determined what is best for the tribe. Murder among tribe members, thievery among tribe members, or Snow Elves generally not doing their best to help their tribe is practically unheard of.This mentality often explains their phobia of homosexual relationships between themselves and others, often causing mental breakdowns to anxiety attacks. Mainly the reason is because since two of the same gender can’t produce children, there’s little chance this relationship type will prove to be beneficial to the tribe’s future. Usually magical means can alter their state of mind but it is rarely done willingly. [/indent] [hr] [hider= Wood Elf Examples] [img]https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/236x/17/37/d5/1737d5a94e9e36ab04c1d02c8565f91d.jpg [/img] [img]https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/236x/d2/a8/7e/d2a87eec370084de33c1592db49f2a24.jpg[/img] [img]https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/236x/fd/19/7a/fd197a8cb51cb31e2a081203a6526e7b.jpg[/img] [img]https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/236x/3e/10/11/3e101148a7567ae486e0b8e9d5a1f429.jpg[/img][/hider] [b]Name: [/b] Wood or Forest Elf [b]Lifespan[/b] 100 years [b]Brief Description:[/b] [indent] Wood Elves are taller than their snowy cousins, reaching up to 6-7 foot. Overall their appearance are slender and thin, giving them an agile look over all. Additional features are their slightly pointed ears on each side of their head, the actual length ranging in numerous sizes through it doesn’t affect their hearing abilities. Their skin tones range from pure white to rich earthen colors and hair types vary much like humans.[/indent] [b]Biological Traits [/b] [list] [*] Slightly pointed ears give them a wider range of hearing compared to most other races, their hearing is able to reach up to half a mile radius all the way around them without strain. However, this doesn’t include keenness and a person with a quiet and careful step can still sneak up on them. [*] Natural climbers, Wood Elves are able to get their fingers and toes to find purchase on about any coarse surface they come into contact with. As long it is not smooth or easily broken by too much weight, they are able to climb up it to the top. [*] Due to their slender built and thin frame, Wood Elves are often more agile than the other races. They have greater flexibility, but this means their strength and durability are more on the human side. [*] Wood Elves have excellent vision in the daylight, allowing them see several feet further than humans. Sadly they must have a light source light in order to see otherwise they can in pitch darkness. Mainly because they lack pitch black vision and has poor night. [/list] [b]Most Commonly Seen:[/b] [indent]Ghannos is where the Elves originate and most of them still remain, through their frozen cousins live within the Glacier Lands within Tiien. [/indent] [b]Additional Information:[/b] [indent] Wood Elf village’s are surrounded by Iron Wood Trees, which are hard as steel and often preferred for their weaponry, armor and even trinkets. This means nearly every Wood Elf born within Ghannos can easily determined the difference between real Iron Wood and passed off fakes, often wood soaked in dark dyes. [/indent] [hr] [hider=Esyire Examples][img]https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/736x/a4/b5/16/a4b516f7745cda1fccc32c8a6f3aae48.jpg [/img] [img]http://fc09.deviantart.net/fs20/f/2007/285/8/f/Red_Half_Dragon_by_D_MAC.jpg[/img] [img]http://pre03.deviantart.net/5d94/th/pre/i/2012/167/a/2/redemption_returns_by_russellt2070-d53rkng.jpg[/img] [img]http://pre06.deviantart.net/5f49/th/pre/i/2014/020/b/f/flats_comish___sword_at_the_ready_by_twilightsaint-d732mk8.png[/img][/hider] [b]Name: [/b]Esyires [b]Lifespan[/b] lives up to 200 years [b]Brief Description:[/b] [indent]Esyire are large, anthropomorphic dragons standing at about 7-8 feet height, for both male and females. Their wings reach to about double their arm width when spread out, increase their size through door ways by considerable measure. They can neatly fold their wings back against their back. Tails don’t add to their heights and are often half or as long as they are tall, the bones considerably flexible allowing it to be used like a whip in times of need. Esyire’s scales tend to reflect their MageBlood: [/indent] [list] [*]Lux: Pearl or White [*]Aqua: Sapphire or Blue [*]Clima: Copper or Gold [*]Natura: Emerald or Green, sometime Brown [*]Obligatio: Ruby or Red [*]Lues: Black or Midnight Purple [*]Ancient: Grey[/list] [b]Biological Traits [/b] [list][*]Large frame with a high level of strength, though they lack in agility. [*]Wings enable flight abilities over distances, obstacles, and more using heat pockets within the air. However, they are the most fragile part of the Esyire’s skeleton with a thin webbing that can be easily damaged by arrows, crippling their ability to retain their flight. [*]Their bones are light and designed in a way which lowers their weight, despite their muscle. However, while the bones are as strong as human’s, when broken they don’t break in the same fashion. Instead of a clean break, it will shatter into larger chunks often hindering the limb’s ability to move correctly until it is properly mended. [*]Hide provides minor protection against scrapes, bruising and minor injuries not caused by sharp implications like weapons or predatory claws that can slice through flesh. The scales also protect against radiation within their homeland. [*]Hearing is weaker than that of the other primary races of Tiien, mainly due to their hearing being done through holes and no other structure to aid sound into the eardrum. Normal hearing voices are easy to pick up but sounds often ranging to a low whisper or sneaking foot step can often be missed if the Esyire isn’t on alert, easily blending in. [/list] [b]Most Commonly Seen:[/b] [indent]Virtually all people who inhabit the [url=http://www.roleplayerguild.com/posts/321649]Scorched Lands[/url] are Esyire, and in general, it is rare for them to enter the lands of other races. Their close connections with the Dwarves make it less unusual to see Esyire in Ironstead, and there are often group of Esyire who arrive at the Twilight College as students each year.[/indent] [b]Additional Information :[/b] [indent]Esyire can easily breath their element up to 2-3 feet effectively, though novices can only managed a shorter distance if lucky, and unable to be harmed by their own magic. However this doesn't prevent others of the same blood from causing damage. Eysire children hatch out of eggs, developing outside their mothers and breaking free of their shells. Rarely and couples often brimming with pride, will one egg hold twins. [/indent]