[@Pangusman] Hello, sorry it took me so long to get back to you, I hadn't noticed your post. Making a Legatus character would actually be a fantastic idea. I mentioned in my (perhaps overly lengthy) OP that there might be some friction between the militaristic legionaries and those garrisoned in Vegas. Having a high-ranking military official would provide some interesting clashes, including with my character, the Urban Praetor. By all means, go for it. You're also more than welcome to have two different characters ( might myself), as long as you don't feel overwhelmed, and so could still buddy up with Jonesy. :) [@Jonesy] Slave-Traders will probably provide the most potential for conflict. If you put up a rough CS, you could give people a better idea of the direction you're taking. I'm permitting a few people to take on second characters (maximum of two), so don't feel you have to wait and see.