[b][u]Sangue Naga - Grimm Studies[/u][/b] The red-haired swordswoman nodded as she took her blade out. The weight of her claw was quite heavy, no matter how much she wanted to say that it did not hurt her movements. With that in mind, the girl decided to follow her leader's advice and stick to the pads. After leaping onto one of the pads, the red-haired woman saw a red-haired Hunter get slammed off of one of the pads... before he recovered. She doubted that she could withstand those kinds of attacks as well as he did. Above the water, the Hunters were prone to sudden attacks. Below the water, the Hunters were prone to slowed movements. Coordination did seem crucial to avoiding major injuries. So when she saw the Grimm chasing after a blue-haired greatsword wielder, she wondered what she could do. Throwing the Apophis Claw at it may not grant the Grimm enough pain to ignore the greatsword wielder. The strength of the Claw was not superb, and the fact that the Grimm was slightly submerged in water did not help. Throwing it at the greatsword wielder to drag him out of the Grimm's way was also not ideal because some parts of the Claw were quite sharp. Even with the presence of Aura, it sounded too risky to drag the man out of the way with the claw, especially since the Claw was best at dragging things when it impaled them. So the woman took a few steps back before propelling herself to the greatsword wielder's direction. She chose to ignore her leader's advice just for once. As she spiraled towards the blue-haired man, she threw out the Apophis Claw and let it latch its sharp blades into one of the sides of the pool. She drop-kicked him out of the way. The red-haired swordswoman felt her body submerge into clear liquid. She pulled herself away from the location the Grimm was about to hit. As she let the Claw drag her away, she suddenly felt the momentum of her body slow down. The Claw did not dig deep enough and fell off of the solid surface. Out of pure instinct, she reached out for the greatsword-wielder she just kicked and caught his leg. Sangue climbed his body before revealing her face. For some reason, it seemed as if she finally understood why what she did was a bad idea. She clung onto him with a straight, emotionless expression as she simply told the blue-haired man, "[b]Please get me out of here.[/b]" After all, she had an equal skill to a hydrophobic man when it came ascending from water. Now that she thought about it, she somehow made the situation worse by ignoring Ben's advice and acting by sheer instinct. Though they were near one of the sides of the pool, her Apophis Claw would still make her sink like a rock until she did something to its weight. "[b]Please,[/b]" she repeated with the same idle expression, though it was clear that she preferred tasting fresh air than the endlessly deep dirt nearby the core of Remnant. [@floodtalon]