He watch her movement, her hands went up into the air in an attempt to surrender. [i][color=00a651]'Thank fucking God'[/color][/i] He thought with a visable sigh, shoulders relaxing. It wasn't until he heard her speak did he cock his head to the side away from his sights with an inquisitive look facing her. He lowered his rifle so the sling would hold his gun in front of him. His look turned to a strain as he seemed to be thinking with his head down before looking back up at her. [color=ed1c24]"Bespokoystvo net. Dver' narusheniye pozhaluysta."[/color] It was broken Russian, she would be able to tell. But his hope was to at least get a ride out of the area. His eyes went wide as he heard the sound of multiple growls and other similar sounds approaching from behind him. He turned to see more than a dozen walkers approaching. Must've been from the horn. His head snapped back over to her. [color=ed1c24]Dver' narusheniye pozhaluysta? Dver' narusheniye pozhaluysta!? Dver' narushen-[/color][color=00a651]Fucking unlock the passenger door!"[/color] He struggled and stumbled over the words until he said 'Fuck it' and just blurted out what he wanted as he moved around the other side of the car, rifle at the ready. Each shell from the chamber equaled another walker neutralized, mostly thanks to his training. He would try to open the door. If it was already unlocked he would quickly throw his bag into the car and enter, quickly slamming the door closed behind him and following up quickly with pushing her back in her seat while he would lean forward rifle up, firing away through the driver side window as he would yell [color=ed1c24]"Vpered vpered vpered!"[/color] If the door was locked he would knock on the window rapidly as he would watch them move in, putting a round into them. [color=00a651]"Hurry uuuuup."[/color] He would half yell in an attempt to have her move faster. However once the door was unlocked, he would throw the bag into the car, and then hop in, closing the door behind him. He would then smash the passenger window out, clearing the glass away from it before leaning out of it, his ass sitting where the window was, his rifle up and firing away at the walkers. He would slam his hand on the top of the roof several times yelling [color=ed1c24]"Vpered vpered vpered!"[/color]