[center] [img]http://imgfave-herokuapp-com.global.ssl.fastly.net/image_cache/1364694964935039.jpg[/img][/center] [b]Name:[/b] Jason Peter Todd. [i]Father Todd[/i] [i]The Crimson Hand Of God[/i] [b]Age:[/b] 27. [b]Gender:[/b] Male. [b]Occupation:[/b] Priest of the St. Luke Church of Gotham. [b]Skills/ Abilities:[/b] Jason is a excellent swordsman, marksman and hand to hand combatant, being trained in Kaw Maga, Ninjutsu and Kick Boxing for the better part of the last two decades. Beyond that, he's a expert deciever and conman, able to convince just about anyone of anything with the right motivation. Beyond his combat and skills of deceit, Jason is a well read man, having knowledge of all of the major religions and a Catholic at heart. He's a spiritual master and is not afraid to use the influence of religion to strike fear, or to gain fortune, from the people around him. He's a excellent pick pocket and able to steal cars without a hitch. [b]Equipment:[/b] Military Bunker: Jason keeps a military's armory worth of items in the locked basement of the St.Luke Church, in which there lies handguns, grenade launchers, machine guns and explosives, all of which gained through his connections to the private army that raised him. Holy Cross: He wears a 7 inch large cross made out of silver around his neck, the cross is both to ward off spirtual evil, but also doubles as a sheath for a titanium dagger able to cut steel with great ease. [b]Attire:[/b] [center] [img]http://33.media.tumblr.com/bc880b6dacf63dd3f7ec68034aad9d98/tumblr_inline_mjbuemenec1rd8e2r.jpg[/img][/center] He wears his priest collar at all times around his neck. When not in the church, but out on the streets, he wears a black hood attached to a reinforced leather jacket. A light ceramic kevlar polyester shirt that stops small gunfire and most blades, as well as a form fitted hockey mask painted blood red that covers his face from detection. [b]Psyche: [/b] Jason is a calm and collected man, who keeps his cool above all else. He will pray for sinners, and forgive those who seek forgiveness, and want the best for everyone around him. He's a holy man, believing he's on a mission from god, trying to stray away from the terrible things he did in the past. But he knows that not everyone can be saved, not everyone wants, nor deserves saving, and thus he's taken it upon himself to deal out retribution to those that defies the lord. He calls himself the Hand Of God, and he will strike down against the sinners of Gotham without mercy, for his cause is just, and his blade is true. [b]History:[/b] Jason Todd was born to a christian fanatic, Peter Todd, whom was a commander in a more militant version of the Ku Klux Klan. They taught him how to fire a gun and to always trust the bible. Jason didn't buy it, and at a 11 years old he escaped from the compound in the south of the united states, hitching rides all the way to Metropolis, where he spent a couple of years as a street urchin, stealing and stabbing his way into enough money to eat for the day. He got caught into a weapon trade that went bad with some russians, and was taken hostage. Spending months in a Russian Mafia prison camp, Jason escaped with another man whom said that he would have great gifts for Jason. He did. His name was Damien Darhk, former second in command of the league of Assassins, betrayed by his former friend and rival, Ra's. The head of the Demon. Damien took to Jason like a son, training him in martial combat, how to fight with a sword, and how to turn his body into a weapon. Jason and Damien's travels ended when Jason was 21 years old, when Jason killed a man for the first time. Feeling such guilt and regret, he secluded himself in religion, diving into all forms of it, but at 23 years old, he came back into his roots. To Christianity. Zealous, convinced that god was on his side, he pursued to become a priest, with the help of Damien, he got a high school diploma, college degree and accepted into the Gotham Universtiy so he could go study theology for three years, all the while monitoring criminals that would need the righteous hand of justice dealt upon them. Graduating earlier this year and claiming his priesthood he opened up the church of St.Luke in Gotham to help the poor innocent souls to redemption, and to bring justice to the wicked.