"Thanks. You're not too bad yourself," Quin said. She smiled at Cheshik and made herself comfortable on the roof again, hugging a blaster rifle to her chest. "Nyrette and I plan to get everyone up and on the move at dawn. I'd go get some rest and prepare if I were you, but I wouldn't mind if you decided to stay. You're an interesting person Cheshik. I'm glad you decided to come with us." --- With the sun rise came yet even more rain. It turned the sky an angry dark gray and showed no sign of letting up. Heavy rain drops, some nearly the size of bottle caps, pelted the ground and everything living on it. They stirred up a soothing sound that contradicted the tension and nervousness of the crew stepping outside the safety of the Harpoon. Quin and Nyrette scouted ahead, but stayed well within earshot of the others. Quin constantly checked their surroundings by looking through a telescopic scanner that would pick up any anomalies that came within range. Although the coast was fairly clear aside from the occasional animal she stayed low and stuck to shadows and brush. A thick waterproof cloak helped her feel more camouflaged and kept her clothes (a decommissioned reconnaissance suit from a nation, the name of which she couldn't pronounce despite her best efforts), her blaster and her new toy dry. Her scanner picked up a large fortress-like complex in the distance. "There it is," she whispered into a headset so the crew and the T.I.'s back on the ship would get the update. Quin looked to Nyrette who had stopped not far from her, "That's quite a bit more extensive than I thought it would be. Maybe most of it will even be left standing when we're done with it." Though she was trying to joke and stay positive and alert she was also rolling out her shoulders and neck and taking calculated breaths. She had never gone up against an HK before and what she saw from the fight yesterday left her convinced that she didn't ever want to. Too bad. "They're certain to have patrols around the perimeter and in the jungle nearby. We will need to approach as quickly and quietly as possible," she said, "And then once inside we should at least try to stay quick and quiet. I'm not expecting much, but best efforts. Please. Pretty please." "Fuck me, you have a sense of humor sometimes," Iisska came up beside her wearing a rain cloak similar to her own, "Or are you over here wishing on bugs and flowers for impossible shit? Lemme see." He took the scanner from her and started to size up the lay of the factory. Quin punched him in the arm. "Moron! This is important and more dangerous than you can imagine. Seriously, if you don't care about getting Sterling back together and staying alive doing it, then get your stupid lardass back to the ship," she hissed. "Ow!," he hissed back and threw the scanner in her lap, "You wanna play? Check out what Zen ordered from Cheshik's friends." He made a fist and showed off one of two extremely sturdy gauntlets that covered his entire hand and forearm up to his elbow. Something resembling brass knuckles had been rather crudely, but cleanly attached to the back of the hand. "I made a modification or two. They look the shit don't they? And no HK is gonna cut through 'em," he bragged. "Oh good. Those will really come in handy when you get shot in the face," Quin rolled her eyes, "You go punch holes in stuff, kid. I'll make funeral arrangements." --- Cheshik and Zen were the first ones out of the jungle. They cut through a rusting fence, disabled the motion detectors and flanked the locked service entrance Nyrette had picked out from their surveys. The coast was clear. The other three crew members rushed out to meet them. Quin immediately knelt and got ready to hack the pinpad on the complex locking mechanism. "Okay, just a minute or two and--" she started. Zen unsheathed his lightsaber, shoved it through the crack between the door and the jam and severed everything from ceiling to floor in about twenty seconds. Quin glared at him and then rubbed her temples. "Whatever," she mumbled. They were in. Quin steadied her blaster in her hands once more as they all filed into the first corridor. It was dark and empty. Obviously the workers did not use this passage often. After deciding on which way would probably lead to an office or factory floor where they could find out where a powercore would most likely be housed they headed off. Quin stayed close to Nyrette and defended the rear. She had wanted to head the group like they did in the forest, but the boys, namely Zen, had other plans and charged off ahead of them. At least they were still being quiet. The first room on the right turned out to be a janitorial closet housing a small, dusty cleaning droid that sighed miserably and put its face in the corner when they informed it that they were not in need of its services. The next room was a restroom with no doors on the stalls and a leaking sink. Finally they came to a small office space on the next floor. Two computers were stacked side by side on the far wall. "Excellent!" Quin hurried forward and began to access them, "There might be an inventory system somewhere in here. Keep an eye on the hall." "This place is somehow even more creepy than the rakghoul infested wreck where we parked the ship," Iisska complained from the doorway. "Probably because of the exponential increase in mechanized death," she shrugged. "... Are you making up words?" Nyrette shushed them both. The seconds seemed to tick by slower and slower as she worked. The software was an incomprehensible mess to anybody who didn't know how to use it. She knew they didn't have all day. It would only be a matter of time before-- "Oh, fuck--" "HALT! DROP YOUR WEAPONS, TRESPASSING, FLESHY SCUMBAGS!" The hallway erupted into blaster fire and the startling sound of lightsabers being turned on before Quin could even react. Time up. She frantically redoubled her efforts to crack into the inventory records. "Hold it off for just a second!"