:cracks knuckles: Aaaalright, just woke up to like fifty character sheets so I'm going to go finish the thread before I read through 'em. [quote=@supertinyking]...Question, I've been looking though this, and I'm not sure of something. Can you bring people back to life, that die? Not like necromancy, I mean full on re-animation?[/quote] Yep, so long as you have their soul on hand. Details about souls were in an earlier question that Zugzwang asked. [quote=@Antarctic Termite] Souls aren't a very scientifically solid concept. Like everything else here, they're a gameplay mechanic, a resource. They develop in the brain of their original bearer, but once they're severed from the mortal by magic or death, they can take on the same functions by themselves, without needing the physical infrastructure of a brain but still needing some kind of host entity (if you're cruel, you can give eyes to a rock and plant a soul in it to watch it suffer in boredom for the next million years). A mortal with their soul removed, or one created without a soul, has a brain, but won't use it- They'll die or go comatose. It can only be interacted with by magical means, and until severed, it occupies no space and can only be sort of sensed by a god- Not seen or heard or smelt. Once they're severed they just sort of sit around like a bubble or cumulus cloud or pile of translucent goop, small enough to be picked up with both hands but pretty amorphous. They dissipate unpredictably when not in a host, disappearing suddenly after anything from a few minutes to a few hours, but can be sustained by a god (pickled, as it were) to last longer.[/quote]