[quote=@ZB1996]I was planning on having a few minions and a (non-supernatural) love interest. Will only the deities need character pages?[/quote] Good question. Depends on if you're trying to make NPCs that are there to further the development of your main character, or characters that you're playing for their own sake. If the former, no. If the latter, yes, though you might not need to detail the interests section all that much. It sounds like you're looking at supporting characters for what you want to make, so probably not. [quote=@Ryuzaki]In theory, were Darren to want to make a human have the traits of a vampire or werewolf, how long would that take?[/quote] Same process as other transformations- Depends on how many different factors you want to consider and how cohesively you want those traits to function. Vampires seem pretty simple. Lots of humans already burn in the sun, so multiplying that shouldn't be too hard. Granting abnormal muscle strength and rigging the digestive system to run on blood don't seem too hard either, since they're not really major changes. Toss in a few allergies to garlic and crucifixes and you're looking at like maybe ten minutes of work. Easy peazy. Werewolves, though, are kind of weird, since you have to somehow squeeze a whole other animal into a human (magically or biologically) and then make sure they can flip between one and the other repeatedly, quickly and safely. Just to make a huge hideous wolf probably takes longer than the vampire did, and then trying to get the transformation to work out would also take a while. So at least three times the time you spent on the vampire.