I'm looking for someone, or two someones, to do some fantasy roleplays with. Let me state foremost that I'm not looking to do a roleplay about how two character fall in love, that is not my intent. I would rather take a fantasy or historically inspired setting and roleplay a more serious story focusing on character development and exploration of the world. To that end I'm looking for someone who wants to actively build the world and contribute to the story with me rather than being guided along. I have some ideas already, one well constructed, that we can work off of if you don't have anything off the top of your head. About me: I feel like I used to be an advanced roleplayer, but that was years ago when I consistently roleplayed. Now I consider myself more of a casual or slightly high-casual roleplayer and would appreciate it if my partner could average at least three paragraphs and even challenge my skills. I don't care what gender or age you are so don't feel compelled to tell me if that's a one on one obligation. It seems to be one to me based on browsing a lot of the threads. I work Tuesday to Friday and typically two weekends a month so don't expect an exuberant amount of posts from me, I like to average about two a week. I believe I'm pretty easy going and I know I'm hard to offend so feel free to chat me up about something outside of the roleplay too, I'd rather have a good OOC relationship than none at all. My Ideas: [hider=Idea 1]My more completed idea is a very simple one and is probably why it's the most complete. That being said I think it's an oldie but a goodie, so on to it then. There's a human town that acts as a local trading hub. They bring in iron and lumber from two nearby communities and sell them in turn to a human fort to the south and the orcish war tribes they've allied with to the north. This town is rather well funded and has a significant population for being so far from any of the major cities. A large port facilitates the life of this town. Recently though trade caravans have been attacked on the road that passes through the nearby woods. Due to a lack of iron the relation with the orcs to the north has deteriorated and they've become more and more hostile towards the humans, though there's yet to be any display of force despite threats. The town has decided to enlist the help of adventurers as the current situation leaves little flexibility for the guardsmen. That's where our characters come in. They're hired to find out who is ambushing the caravans and provide the town with a location so that a fighting party can be sent out to end the ambushes. This would be a kind of generic D&D type roleplay without the dice. There's a lot of flexibility in this idea so if there's something that isn't quite up to snuff it's workable. [/hider] [hider=Idea 2]One of my less fleshed out ideas is pretty well just a premise at this point. It takes place during a 1940 to 1950's inspired setting in an unstable country. After losing a war the country has been annexed and the foreign military position inside their cities to end any attempts at rebellion. Retaliation was anticipated and so a larger than typical allotment was granted to the new garrison forces, but it hasn't been enough to keep the rebels at bay. The story would focus on our characters who are squad leaders trying to keep their guys alive while at the same time routing out the rebels and winning over the local populace, a near impossible task. This roleplay would be more historical and magic would take a back seat. I've played with the idea of having alchemy (think Fullmetal Alchemist) present in the setting, but maybe downplayed a little and not readily available to our characters. I haven't got much more than this planned out yet and would need a fair degree of input before I would be happy to kick this off the ground.[/hider] [hider=Idea 3] I just wanted to look like I had more than two ideas. I'm a terrible human being I know. But, feel free to suggest ideas and I'm sure we can bang something out. [/hider]