Coming in from the interest check if you'll have me. [b]- Name[/b] Vincent David DeMoore (This is not my real name, but one I use it regularly for myself in LARPing) [b]- Age[/b] 24 [b]- Appearance[/b] Normal build, something akin to an ex-runner that let his body go a bit from sedentary lifestyle. Wavy and curly brunette hair with a short rusty beard. Slightly less than six feet tall. Freckles all over face and arms with some dotting legs. Normally wears a black vest, black dress pants, berry dress shirt, dark socks, and black sneakers for when walking around a lot. [b]- Physicality[/b] Somewhat strong from weight lifting as a way to maintain fitness. Due to a genetic issue of joint being looser than they should be fairly tolerant to pain, but not necessarily constant discomfort. Overall good endurance from cross country days. [b]- Personality[/b] Very restrained and held back as a person. Spends a fair amount of time in thought to consider options or just to get lost in imagination. Fairly social, but can take too much time to respond in stressful situations. Patient and relaxed, even in bad situations which can be both a boon and a detriment. Can act with confidence when making decisions and often doesn't doubt himself. Can be somewhat arrogant and very low tolerance for foolishness. Somewhat paranoid and overly cautious, but careful not to show it. [b]- Lifestyle[/b] Born in United States, grew up in a small city in the north east. School went from being a rocky ride full of bullies looking to be him up to people liking him for actually dancing at dances. Found out in college he had a nack for finance and stuck with it. [b]- Why you're here?[/b] Was at a layover in O'Hare Airport on a trip to visit family when things started going bad and decided to get out of Dodge by foot. [b]- Skills[/b] [list] [*] Cooking - One of my favorite hobbies [*] Driving - It [b]is[/b] a skill ;) [*] Improvising - Fixing things with the wrong thing, yeah! [*] Melee Fighting Skills - I'm a LARPer, I got to know my stuff! [/list] [b]- Possessions[/b] LG Smart Phone, 2 Mechanical Pencils and a ball point pen, Wallet with various cards and cash as well as bobby pins.