Was she... Actually having a good time with Robert? Robert Locksley of all people?! But as he took the foam finger and put it on his hand she couldn't help but grin largely. He really was one of those cases of "don't judge a book by its cover" had she known that under the arrogant, obnoxious, self-righteous exterior was this playful, fun loving, humorous, decent human being underneath. Or maybe he was the above before and getting knocked down really changed who he was. Either way she was enjoying her time now. She followed suite slipping the foam finger on her hand and pointing in the same direction. "Charge!" With that they were off to collect beer, much needed accessory to the national pass time! Upon receiving their oversized beer containers full of the necessary liquid they proceeded to the stands which she followed Robert down the stairs to find their assigned seats. It wasn't until they were shuffling through people muttering sorry as they did that she realized just what type of people were there. From where they could see (which were good seats and she was highly surprised) there were a lot of people from higher end of society present at the game. What if... Oh god what if Robin were to show up?! She could hear the lecture now, [i]What were you thinking? What if he tried to get information from you? What if he found out that you were a Merry Men? I said go after Guy not Robert![/i] What if he saw her on the TV? Her phone could blow up... If Guy or Edward saw her they could blow it up as well or---or... "So I take it as you got my dad's okay to take me to the game right?" She asked with a cheeky grin on her face. "I mean you were supposed to let him know right? Or are we taking a walk on the wild side?" Her lips wrapped around the straw as she took a drink out of the oversized oddly shaped souvenir cup. He had mentioned to her that her dad wanted to know the next time they had a 'not date' and she was more curious then ever to see if he followed through with that. "Because if we're going to walk on the wild side we're going to have to lay low."