The elder monk passed Keystone, stopping at the temple doors. "Your road is your own, Keystone. I can offer you no help in choosing it. I can only share my observations. The enemy you seek is closer to you than you think." Shein-Fang offered a bow to Keystone. Despite the disguise, the moment Keystone left the temple, a pair of magical eyes watched his departure from the temple. Taking advantage of the mounting war between the wizards and whatever pitiful assassin group frequented Telflamm, Glith made his way through the alleys next to the temple, focusing on Kaylee's energy to find the monk. Glith didn't waste any time after the magical trace came flowing out of the temple, walking out into full view of the monk as soon as Keystone was beyond the sight of temple guards. The undead knight's armour was full of cracks and missing a fair few pieces, equally damaged white bones prominently showing through the holes. Glith took on a bright smile and broadcast his thoughts to the passing monk: "So, shall we do this again the right way or will you give her back to someone who can handle her? How many more of these people do you want to kill?"