[Center][img]https://33.media.tumblr.com/5b2c4066abba2e421f0fde3b34267289/tumblr_nhmdej9RCv1subvnlo1_500.gif[/img] [h1][color=goldenrod]Kiran Khanna[/color][/h1] [h2]The Apollo Cabin, The Infirmary[/h2][/center] Kiran was barely able to get settled down before someone woke her up. In her half asleep state, she initially thought it was Apollo himself, but quickly realized it was her second in command. "Uh, hey Kiran?" He nervously nudged the lounging councilor. [Color=goldenrod]"What do you want, Devin?"[/color] She groaned. "Do you mind taking over my shift over at the infirmary? I promised Ashley that I would meet up with her for a walk along the beach," He pleaded. [Color=goldenrod]"Sure,"[/color] the half Indian girl sighed, [Color=goldenrod]"Go have fun with your girlfriend."[/color] Her half brother perked up and gave her an earful of thanks before exiting the cabin. It didn't take much to wake Kiran up, she simply focused of her tasks ahead and pushed forward. The daughter of Apollo walked into the infirmary to releave the person on duty. Her sister reported some of the things that happened, which wasn't much. Then she gave her the run down on a couple patients who just came in. Throughout the exchange, Kiran nodded and interviened with a couple questions. Then, the other girl finally left. Kiran set up shop, organizing things the way she wanted before checking in on the patients that were in beds dressed with off white sheets. There were four kids at the moment. Only one was suffering from any major wounds. She made sure he got a dose of nectar in the right amount, and at the right time. There have been a few cases of people lying about how much necter or ambrosia they've had in order to get more, and there has even been a couple of unfortunate souls who got addicted to the godly food and drink and overdosed. While it was still given out freely, there were some campers they had to watch out for. Kiran sat around, visiting with a couple patients who had some simple wounds. Every so often a camper would come in for a cut or a bruise. In these instances, the kind nurse gave them a bandaid, or an ointment, and sent them on their way. She enjoyed talking with the other demigods, and helping them out. It made her feel useful. Checking the paperwork that lay on a desk in an office like room, Kiran noticed that Ky'vie Morgan needed to check in within the next three days since she just got back from a mission. So that's why there were so many people on Half-Blood Hill this morning. Well, that and the new kid, but hey, that answered quite a few questions. All the kids on the hill were friends with Ky'vie. Speaking of Ky'vie's friends, Arianna needed to get her meds from Kiran. Hopefully, the bright girl wouldn't have to track down the free spirited female. There has been quite a few times were Arianna had forgotten to take her medicine and Kiran had to search high and low for the firey girl. Kiran was good friends with her and would hate to see anything bad happen on account of something that could be controlled, but wasn't. Sighing, the Apollo councilor looked at the clock to see how much time she had. She was about halfway through her shift. A growl from her stomach reminded her that she hadn't eaten yet. This was going to be a long second half.