[center][img]http://38.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_lt0i251KhK1r4ddn3o1_500.gif[/img][/center] Seeing Ky' vie's motorcycle come closer into view of the hill caused Griffin's heart to skip a beat in his chest, though he certainly wouldn't act as though it had to the others. Letting a wide grin plaster itself across his features, Griffin appeared unfazed as fresh clumps of dirt and grass splayed themselves across his clothes, shaking his head violently to let a few pieces fall out of his unkempt mess of hair. Offering Logan a silent but grateful nod for his gust of wind, Griffin sauntered to where Ky' vie was, his smile never fading. Waiting for her to finish introductions towards their new Roman recruit, Griffin remained silent until she spoke to him and Gideon directly, the thought of the war god's son being included made Griffin bristle somewhat, though he wouldn't say a word. Hiding his irritation behind a practically manic grin, Griffin pulled her into a one-armed hug, lasting for what only could have been a brief few seconds "'Ello again, Tin-Girl..." He said in a slightly hushed tone, straightening himself and letting his typical snarky nature come over him once again as he was in the presence of the others. "I suppose I owe some of the lads in the Nike cabin some money. They bet that you'd try to kill us again with that bloody thing." He said with a short, breathy chuckle, motioning towards her motorcycle with a lazy wave of his hand.