[color=mediumslateblue]"Shoopuffs don't make very good steaks."[/color] Eva paused in mid step as she heard Saina's very serious voice, She cocked her head slightly with a confused/not buying it look, her eyes fell upon her. Eva smiled at Saina as she realized she was saying a joke and laughed even more at the perfect timing of her sentence. [color=mediumslateblue]"Gippal, while you were dealing with our friend's incarceration I went ahead and picked up some ingredients to have a proper meal. I placed them with Mercu..."[/color] Eva stopped as well as she watched Saina, realizing the chocobo was not with them as well. She looked back from where they came and stood on her tipy toes, though that hardly helped as she was so short. S [color=mediumslateblue]"Mercury?"[/color] Eva stayed quiet as she called out to her chocobo. [color=mediumslateblue]"Mercury!"[/color] After a few moments of silence, Saina let out a soft 'hmm...' while Eva touched her finger to her lips, still looking around in hopes to see if she could find him. [color=mediumslateblue]"Odd... usually he doesn't wander off that far."[/color] As Saina looked back to the group, she then said to them. [color=mediumslateblue]"Go on ahead, I will see if I can track down exactly where my chocobo went."[/color] She looked to all the group and turned away, trying to hide her face with the raised shoulder. Eva lost all her memories. But by Yevon she knew who she was hiding her face from, A mischievous smile came to Eva's lips. She ran over to Saina and placed her hand on her shoulder. [color=ed145b]"Saina wait!"[/color] She moved around so she was facing the group, while Saina was still faced away. Narrowing her eyes just slightly at her guardian. [color=ed145b]"You are not going alone."[/color] She said softly with a twinkle in her eye. Looking over to Urick. It was so clear that they liked each other. Urick, though he was handsome and adorable while shy, it also meant he didn't really have someone to talk to besides Gippal. Even with her she didn't get much out of him. She also wanted Saina to make some more friends. A few minutes ago it was clear, she was not liked at all by Alex, and surely didn't get any points with Nai telling her to leave. She was worried about Alex and Nai of course... but she didn't know them as well...well not that she knew Saina any better. But these last two days have been insane...perhaps once she made it back to the ship she could try and talk to Alex and Nai, maybe bridge the gap that was quickly dividing them from the group. But now....she could make sure at least two guardians could become closer... and maybe help Urick find someone like hopefully...she found in Gippal. While she was thinking this she had looked to the ground, but her eyes snapped back up and Asked,[color=ed145b] "Urick? Can you please go with Saina?" [/color]Her eyes rested on Urick for a moment before going back to Saina. [color=ed145b]"I don't want any of my guardians to go off alone, in case something happens. OK?"[/color]