[img]http://www.ambient-mixer.com/images_template/0/8/c/08c1c36bafd370f4bf083907aadaf920_full.jpg[/img] It was a warm summer evening and sun was about to set behind the mountains. Shadows were growing longer rapidly as even the wind settled down to rest from it's labor. Everyone, with the exception of the village doctor and the [color=gold]Fair Maiden Inn[/color] personell, had concluded the work of the day. There was a calm and light hearted buzz in the ground floor of the inn where the only pub of the village had it's home. Mainly the men of Avveel had gathered to relax from the hard work of the past week. The candles gave light to the big room casting dancing shadows everywhere and warming up the air. One called for food and another more ale, the mood was happy and everyone enjoyed their time. [color=khaki]Muorra[/color] had also come to relax to the pub. He was sitting by himself by the counter with a pint of fresh ale talking to the owner of the Inn. [color=khaki]"Innkeeper,"[/color] Muorra grunted over the desk trying to be discreet, [color=khaki]"I know our kids are in love. Shouldn't we have them married already? They have been playing their game for two months already for Guardians sake!"[/color] He tried to keep his strong voice as low as possible. [color=gold]"Ha! Eager you are, Muorra! Eager you are"[/color], the Innkeeper laughed at his suggestion. [color=gold]"The kids take their time and make that call when they are ready for it."[/color] Muorra waved at the Innkeeper's words and laughed then. He rose up with his pint, holding it by his chest. He was proud of his new white shirt. He turned to head to the nearby table where the shoemaker was telling a story.