Reaching the end of the water's depth, Shin mounted the sandy cliff face and began scaling. With solely the use of his arms, Shin used the blade of his weapon as a support by jabbing it into the wall. Clawing and gripping, pulling and forcing himself. The assassin overcame the obstacle of the cliff with haste, pulling himself over the edge to finally take in a relieving breath. Without the pressure of the water on his body, that breath was a relief, a literal breath of fresh air. Nearly collapsing on the cliff, Shin was forced to stand on his toes. There was no way that he could put pressure on his heels. Looking about, Shin could barely make sense of the world around him. Though most of it looked the same, so he could still see how far away he had moved from his opponent. It was almost certainly too late now, there was no time. He might have the time to cross the distance and deliver a single strike, but he would have to move now. But with how quickly the fight he watched was cut short, Shin was expecting to be forced to abscond any second now. Shin tucked the handle of the kusarigama into the chain so that the blade stuck out just over his knuckles. Lamenting the unfortunate circumstances, Shin decided to rely on something that he had only ever used once before. Dropping down onto all fours, Shin bent his legs at the knees and kept his toes pressed to the ground. Placing the tips of his fingers to the ground, Shin lowered himself into a bestial stance. Keeping most of the pressure from the bottoms of his feet on his toes and fingers, Shin was forced to make himself look like an idiot. Not even the first time he was forced to do this, and the first time was even more humiliating. Weighing himself a little bit, Shin felt slightly alleviated due to the sudden knowledge of how gravity was affecting him. Strange how knowledge can come from a dip in some water, but it wasn't the strangest thing he'd ever experienced. With his body now balanced a little better, Shin swayed himself back and forth on his toes and fingers before bursting into a full sprint. Raising his weight upward and back before launching himself from the cliff's edge, Shin swung his arms around in a wide circle and before reaching the ground he leaned his weight forwards. Meeting the ground with his feet and hands, Shin continued to throw his weight forwards so that he rolled to reduce the impact. Before slowing down completely, Shin righted himself and popped back up into a standing posture. Now about halfway back to his opponent, Shin took another deep breath. Glaring directly at Metz. Slowly but surely, Shin walked on his toes towards Metz. Making sure to slide his feet and keep his toes spread wide. Trying his best not to sink into the sand. The only thing left was to get back into the fray. Shin didn't know how much energy Metz still had, and though Shin was still running on full, he was starting to slow down due to his injuries. The assassin would be willing to bet money that this day was probably going to get worse before it got better.