[b]Starting Date and Time:[/b] Mauven 38, 300 DM, Evening [b]Starting Location:[/b] Stone Craft Entrance to the Underdark [b]CS URLs:[/b] [url=http://www.roleplayerguild.com/posts/3047657]Vera Persephone Woods[/url] Stone Crest, the beast at the foot of the Chartric Mountains. It was late, as the sun was already slipping down behind the Valley of the Screamers, the sounds of hammers ringing out, chisels cutting stone, the smell of furnaces permeating through the air. Stone Crest was filled with the kings and queens of their crafts, only bested by the craftsmen in the capital, many of whom started out here. It was a village of pride, combining the best of three worlds, Ebonfort, the Chartric Mountains' denizens, and of course, the Underdark. But known only to those who lived here, who had seen Stone Crest turn ugly, was the absolute worst of them. One that had a blind eye turned to it by the very Ebon Knights that protected the realm. Tonight was the night when the stones would change, and for those that weren't smart, careful, or vicious, it would be the longest of nights. Anyone who paid attention, noticed that Stone Crest had many of the races that inhabited the mountains and the Underdark. But many of the key positions, best locations for workshops and stores, the wealthiest members of the village, were humans and deep dwarves. It was not always this way, but that was how it was currently. They controlled the trade in and out of the region, ensuring their allies got the best goods and lowest taxes. It could even be seen in the Knights that patrolled the surface village, as they were almost exclusively human or deep dwarves. In the distance, along the road leading to Stone Crest from the mighty capital, a company of Knights could be seen, walking with their banners. This wasn't unusual, companies often rotated in and out of their posts. In other villages. In Stone Crest, this was the heralding of what was to come, and it also showed that the Knights were giving their blessing for this challenge to happen. As the company marched into the center of the village, the [url=http://vignette3.wikia.nocookie.net/ebonfort/images/d/d8/Captain_Iy'kayia.jpg/revision/latest?cb=20151007190929]Captain[/url] led the way, awaiting for the residing captain to come and meet her. The drow woman was a bit shorter than most drow females, but she wore a vicious grin of confidence. [url=http://vignette2.wikia.nocookie.net/ebonfort/images/8/8e/Captain_Landish.png/revision/latest?cb=20151007191737]Captain Landish[/url] walked out of the Ebon Knight Barracks and Depot, axe in hand, feeling the eyes of his people on him. He hadn't expect this to come so soon, he thought he a few more seasons. Standing before the drow woman, he stuck out his hand, and she gave him the official Company Reassignment Order, stamped and signed by Warden Knight Belvik. She grinned, [color=a187be][i][b]"You've got one stretch to get your Company and return to the capital. We shall wait here. Safe travels."[/b][/i][/color] Many of the civilians knew what was going on, and shops began locking up, being barricaded. But others, those who didn't know, were talking amongst themselves, trying to figure out what exactly was happening. A young human man, a neighbor of Vera's, a glassworker, was found knocking on her door rapidly. [color=c4df9b][i][b]"Vera, Vera, let me in, quickly, it's important!"[/b][/i][/color]