With breakfast out of the way, Oscar wondered at his next course of action. He decided to visit the lake, to practice prolonged control of his telekinesis. Throwing the remnants and returning the dishes, he started off. He didn't bother to grab swim wear, since he didn't plan to get wet. He floated along as he normally did, always wanting to flex his psychic muscles. As he neared the waters, he detected some feelings of embarrassment and intrigue from someone.. under water? This place was always stranger and stranger to the psionic. It seemed two people swam under the surface, playing a strange game of tag [i]"Got you this time, Nat"[/i] Leo's thought echoed through Oscar's mind as he stepped onto the water's surface, using telekinesis to merely push against the water's edge to give the appearance of water-walking. He wanted to hone this parlor trick, knowing that such refined control of where and how hard his telekinesis was focused would help him in other endeavors as well. He took off at a brisk march, making it nearly to the center of the large body of water. [hr][hr] Kenny yawned, the large helping of food he'd consumed gifting him with a large case of sleepiness. He patted his stomach happily, before leaving the mall altogether. What should he do now? Kenny had no need to practice using his power, unless he had suddenly become a masochist. It needed nothing of the like, so he settled on taking a leisurely stroll for the next hour, before making his way to the gym. Only a fool worked out right after they ate, almost inviting their body to vomit the barely digested food. Ms. Dawsons's home was indeed beautiful, but Kenny had an ominous feeling. Yes, their freedom was essentially taken away, but even worse was the lack of motive for their abductions. And nearly ALL of the kids had arrived the same way. It was insanity. Who was this mysterious warden and benefactor? How did she have the resources to keep this place concealed and in working order? These questions and more bubbled to the fore of Kenny's mind. It would take smarter people than he to figure it out and the newcomer wanted to meet those people. His wish was also a tad selfish as well, it had been a long time since he'd really talked with anyone and his need of companionship was starting to become dire. He missed his family, especially his sister, and wondered if any of them missed him, the freak. On his roundabout wandering, he chanced upon Zaniel and Persephone in her garden, toiling in the rich loamy soil. This was something Kenny could do, having always helped his mother with her garden. He loved the toil, the smell of earth and the fatigue that came with an honest day's labor. He walked up, standing outside the garden's perimeter and calling out to the pair. "Hello! How's the garden turning out?!" He gave a friendly smile, hoping to make at least one friend at this god-forsaken place. The garden looked spectacular as a point in fact, with lush growth and each plant with a healthy vibrancy on their skins.