Rina let out a screech as the spider leapt towards her Aron turned to head off the spider, but its sudden change of tactics caught him off guard and if the orc hadn't intervened Rina would've been done for. She managed to stutter out her thanks and Aron did likewise, albeit more calmly. "[b]T-thanks mister, I'm okay thanks to you.[/b]", "[color=gray]Thank you for your quick assistance, I am Aron, may I ask your name?[/color]" Aron had quickly made his way back to Rina's side before polity inquiring and waited for the orc's response. Rina took deep breaths to calm down her rapidly beating heart. This was [i]exactly[/i] why she wished she knew how to do this magic stuff. She would have to ask Aron to stand closer to her next time they got into a fight, she didn't want to get into a situation like that ever.