Name: Phia Sokolov Title: Whistle Age: 32 Height: 5'10 Weight: 129 Lbs Eyes: A piercing green color, with short brown eyelashes and eyelids that smooth out her face when she blinks. Hair: Brown hair tied up into an effecient bun. Gender: F Lineage:(Human, Elf, Orc, Dark Elf, Dwarf) Human-Elf Class:(Knight, Man-at-arms, Rogue, Archer,) Archer Side: (List which mercenary company you belong too.) Black Talon Skill:(Things such as Forging, Parkour, Archery, swordsmanship, etc) Archery, Parkour, Skinning and Gutting Weapon(s): A short-bow crafted out of fine wood, and 21 light but penetrating arrows. Dagger for protection on belt. Arm Right:(If the weapon is two handed it uses both slots) Short-Bow. Arm Left: (List sheild if one is used or leave blank if empty.) Armor: Made of leather and cloth. Helm: A simple green bandana she wears around her pointed nose and mouth. Shoulders: Since she's left handed, her right shoulder has brown-colored padding, but her left shoulder is bare of padding to make it easier to access her quiver. Bracers: Her right has a sturdy leather bracer. Chest Piece: A torso-covering studded leather piece, with multiple slices for layering so her armor contours to her when she bends over or jumps. Leggings: Leather around her waist, but a dark green cloth the rest of the way down. Greaves: Studded leather. Emblems: (Where the Personal Arms of the Company are located.) The Black Talon logo is engraved into her bracer. Background: Her father was a human, her mother was an elf, refugees from a heavily "pure-bred" elven community. She grew up in the forest, going on hunting trips with her mother while father stayed and prepared meals. They were always a curious family in that way. Phia's father said that the bloody work of butchery was nothing to be ashamed of, and it was rewarding work. Her mother encouraged her combat training, teaching her to kill animals with precision. Dad however, secretly, of course, during night-time talks, queitly talked to her about honest work. But Phia wanted to fight, she was good at shooting, even hitting targets her mother couldn't. She participated in archery contests and won most, she got a name for herself. Phia the Elf (Her rounder ears chalked up to coincidence), master archer. However, her thirst for conquest and action lived on. No more shooting static targets. She wanted change. And she got it when she joined the Black Talon.