[quote=@Jbcool] [@Flamme Verte] I have a degree in Classical History, so I know my stuff; the [i]Hellenes[/i] knew the various tribal groupings of the far north as the [i]Keltoi[/i] - while the Romans called them all Gauls - and I'd be very happy to have a wild and boisterous savage on our side. As for myths on them, well, I'd take them all with a pinch of salt. Any questions, feel free to ask! [/quote] Hmm I always thought they did a pretty good job researching the information they put in these source books, True it's called Celtic myths but it also delves into life and culture with a lot of really interesting information on taboo and gasa. I'm not going to argue with a expert but doesn't Hellenes just mean someone from Greece? I did additional research and while I suppose that likely orginally refered to a specific tribe in the area and has come to just mean Greek in general which would explain the confusion in the book. I'll finish building my character and run it by you probably sometime tomorrow.