[h1]Unknown location[/h1] Tess kept drifting in and out of consciousness for a while; they had given her a powerful drug to keep her asleep, though she had developed a surprising resistance to anaesthetics and related things to keep one asleep. Though they must have had a long distance teleported, as every time she woke up she felt like she had been on a plane for a few hours; she hot terrible plane sickness. The final time she awoke was in a lavish room with comfy looking furniture and beautiful architecture. [i]This must be... Miss... Dawson's... Home-[/i] the thought was cut off by her falling into a deep sleep on the cold hard floor of James's apartment. [hr] [i]Test one complete without error. Full body redirection field analysis complete. Kinetic energy increase complete, error margin 0.2. Commencing test 2[/i] James thought, slowly analysing his equation and processing the information. That same girl came in again, and again gave him a funny look. [i]Huh... She might think I'm a show off...[/i] he thought, making sure to use every piece of data on her available to create a conclusion. He walked over to her, and heard a small piece of the comment to Silas. [u]"...[i]so[/i] arrogant... ...mess with him..."[/u] Oh, so she did. This gave a whole new light to his experiments. He assumed that everyone would have his level of power, and thought that experiments like this would be normal. Was he wrong? Were there people in this place that had [i]weak[/i] powers. If that was the case, James would have to reconsider doing experiments in public places. In order to diffuse the situation before it escalated, he approached the girl and Silas. [b]"Sorry about looking like a show off. I had some calculation I needed to run, and that was the only real way to test them."[/b] he stated, trying hard to prevent any violence. That was the last thing he wanted. [b]"You're Silas, right? The names James, but the SPD refer to me as Collider. And you're- sorry, I don't know your name. I should've asked before. Nice to meet you both!"[/b]