[center] [h2] [color=crimson] [u] [b] Uchiha, Akira [/b] - [i]The Fanged Inferno[/i] [/u] [/color] Kyokujitsu no Tochi, Training Grounds: Late Morning[/h2] [/center] Akira stood in shock from the news of being thrown into a permanent genin squad. Listening to the woman speak he began to feel awed at all she had accomplished the woman to him couldn't look a day over 25 and yet her eyes seemed much older. Listening to her questions he began to grin. This was a chance for him to show his skills and reveal quite a bit about himself to a new teacher and his new team leader. Still grinning he looked up and met Touzoku's eyes. [color=crimson] "I have all three tomoe in my sharingan," [/color] He said proudly not knowing many before him to have done this. [color=crimson] "As for strengths and weaknesses, Strengths would be a kenjustu and ninjutsu aptitude as well as a specialty with fire and lightning release techniques. My sharingan grants me extra perception as you know being an Uchiha yourself. Also I find I excell in chakra control though my pool seems to be average when compared to others in the village. In the term of weaknesses I would say while I am adequate in Taijutsu because of my use of a sword I still feel like I lack in that category as well as the categories of Genjutsu and Fuujinjutsu. While I try to be as rounded as possible as of late I have been focusing on the development of a Kenjutsu technique, I have it down now I just need to master it and see if its possible to adapt it to the Lightning and Wind releases I carry" [/color] Akira rambled both trying to make himself look good and at the same time being honest with the tthings he needs to work on and build toward. When he finished he smiled again realizing that Touzoku was the kind of instructor and leader he admired to become when he finally got to that point. Taking in the idea of training genin much like himself he couldn't help but smile even wider as he knew that the instructors at the academy were right and that he could be a teacher and instructor later on. Deciding at that moment to do as much as he could for each student and genin that ever came under his care.