It took me a long time to figure out the situation with all of the deaths I have created, and the man's past that I've disrupted with my abilities. [color=ed1c24]"No wonder Yuri told me to try to be more cautious about my abilities... He said that he helped me recovered from an attempt of-"[/color] I paused for a few seconds, looking towards the glass fragments on the floor. [color=ed1c24]"-suicide,"[/color] I finished, almost choking on the word. Even though I acted calm, it felt like I was about to have a break down figuring out about my past in only a few minutes. I could feel a pain in my eyes, wondering if it was my eyes shifting colors or I was tearing up. Just in case this was about to happen I spun around opening the door, turning my head partly towards the man. [color=ed1c24]"I'm sorry,"[/color] I said in a low tone then ran out slamming the door behind me as I rushed towards my horse.