[center][b]Sawl Confederacy[/b][/center] With an invitation to the a wedding from the Zellon Empire, Williams found no harm in sending someone on his behalf to this wedding. The dictator immediately wrote a letter in reply to the invitation. [hider=Royal Letter to Zellon Empire] To King Zach Conrad, Good tidings to you! I send this letter now to accept this wedding invitation that you have so graciously sent to me. Unfortunately, I will not be able to go myself for various reasons but instead you shall be seeing a diplomat of mine by the name Herington Oaks. He will be guarded by two Sawlian riflemen as I do not expect much to go wrong. Again, I furiously apologize that I am not able to attend myself. Signed, Williams Sergio [/hider] With that out if the way, Williams was now content for the most part but then again he had one last order to give out to the workforce. If Sawl was going to be seen as an equal to any of the nations they would need to become more "modernized". A factory was to be built so that they could keep up with their rivals but they did not want to get involved in matters that directly influenced them, such as the tyranny in the Sanguine Empire. They were not going to get involved unless they were absolutely forced to. However, the Sawl army currently lacked discipline and that needed to be changed so a mass training of the soldiers was ordered.