[hider=Lui] [b]Name:[/b] Luis German, he/him [b]Age:[/b] 20 [b]Personality:[/b] Luis looks like a soft and nice person just by his appearance. He's friendly and calm under the respectable circumstances. Although he's not the bravest he's more like the need to be protected type. Before the accident occurred he was already a bit jumpy and frightened by his surroundings. Now after that fateful day Luis' took a serious sucker punch. He became more paranoid and his paranoia will often lead him to making rash decision. These decisions aren't gonna be the smartest and best but the decisions will be what he believes will benefit him and rid his paranoia. [b]Interests:[/b] Luis was in college working towards becoming a Graphical designer. Creating and bringing things to life drove him through his countless tough days. He wasn't interested in many things beside the graphic designing. He watched sports now and then. He also tried to be more social but failed horribly at every attempt he was handed. In result he became more focused on constructing the perfect environment for himself to coexist. Maybe even playing 'God' to his graphical city designs and seeing how things would be it he was in 'charge'. [b]History:[/b] Luis is an only child of a middle to somewhat high class family. As you can probably infer he was a serious victim of bullying growing up. His parents didn't really pay much attention since he never brung it to their attention. Besides stomaching daily pain Luis was pretty successful in school earning a scholarship here and there and soon moving out when he was about 18ish. He was quickly recruited to a company and started working none stop barely getting free time which he didn't even use. His life was smooth sailing until that fateful day came that resulted to the end of his life. [b]Appearance:[/b] Luis is 5'8" having blondish almost white hair. His blue eyes almost as shiny as the ocean sea on a cool cloudy day. Before his death he was wearing a white suit with a tie that nearly matched his eyes perfectly. He work white chucks to compliment his attire. [b]Notes:[/b] None for now but there may be some soon... [/hider] Deity Notes: [hider=Lord Deer (Deity Notes)] Name: Lord Everest Deer is his referred name when spoken off. He's been also called Lord Lui, Lucid Deer, and Lieder. [b]Realm:[/b] An empty unexplored abyss! [b]Form:[/b] [Hider][IMG]https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/736x/79/7b/f5/797bf5e13c22d6e7152281a84b12335f.jpg[/img][/hider] In his new devine form, Luis has kept his normal height but went through a few alterations in his other physical characteristics. His hair being a bit shorter and his eyes becoming blood shot red. The most two know changes are the somewhat visible halo and possible deer antlers present on his head. His clothes has also became more athletical in his new form. A jacket and a plain black t shirt replacing his suit. Jogging pants to finalize the getup. [b]Other:[/b] When receiving his devine form he mistakingly took the life of someone with simply wishing there death ever since then he wore a mask to cover his mouth to 'feel as if that restricted his abilities to cause death with spoken words' which it didn't but it provided assurances for him. [/hider]