Zinnia nodded. "I miss the food from home, and I don't suppose the cooks take requests." She sighed and pushed the fried piece of bread away, sipping on the juice she had left. She looked up at Iron and got up, blushing slightly. "You know, you're the first one here to show me any kindness... would you mind hanging out sometime?" She looked down and clasped her hands in front of her, awaiting the imminent rejection from him. [hr] Aaron smirked. "You want showing off?" He picked up basketball and took many steps back, ending up at around half-court, and took a shot. The ball bounced off the backboard, and into the basket. "Now that's showing off." He strode to the side of James and crossed his arms, looking over Silas and Rebecca, sizing them up, guessing their powers. He had no idea about the boy, but the girl... based on her clothing and hair, Pyrokinesis. He was probably wrong, but a guess is a guess. [hr] Jace looked a little alarmed. A possible developing relationship between the butcher and the resident environmentalist? No way. He finished his plate and got up, bad mood furthered by his closest friend in this place flirting with the one who kills what are basically her children. Gallus quickly flew off to the other animals, wanting to be among those that really understand his fear.