With a polite shake of his head and a raised, beefy hand, Argrom declined the invitation to sit. The chairs were all too small for him anyway, so he opted to stand just inside and to the side of the main entrance, wringing his hands nervously as he waited for the rest. All the others present were foreign to him; he'd never even seen the pointy eared type before in his life, much less the bird-man that sat across the room. He understood that the...Tengu was it? That the Tengu was a beastkin like he was, but he had never heard of the existence of [i]bird[/i] beastkin. Though, he supposed, that stuff like that was present in the big wild world outside the confines of the farm. The Tengu laid down the bones of the supposed plan. To Argrom, much of this flew over his head. Warlord? Apotheoses? The farm had severely dampened how much outside news came in. All he understood from the discussion was that this man, Hank, was of great importance to this Tengu, and if they wanted to fight this...bad guy, they would need his help. The plan was one thing. The supposed fighting was another. Outside of the occasional scuffle with livestock, the minotaur had never laid hands on another in his life. Sure, perhaps his bulk convinced others of his potential, but inside he was scared. Of harming others? Of even participating in such acts? All of that. He wasn't sure he could even bring himself to do such a thing to another [i]minotaur[/i], much less a living being smaller and lighter than he was. But...he had been called away from the farm for a reason. His village shaman had proclaimed it to be for bigger, greater things, that he was intertwined in the destiny of the country yada yada yada. If he had to accept...he had to. In silence, he merely nodded his head in agreement with the Tengu's posed offer. To suffer in silence...a burden he'd shoulder for now. [b]Summary[/b][list] [*]Argrom stands near the side of the entrance nervously. [*]He has doubts about his capability to harm others when pushed to. [*]He agrees with the Tengu's plan.[/list]