[center][h3][color=fff79a]Akira Hikaru-Hidden Cloud Genin[/color][/h3][/center] Akira sat coldly in the back corner as the graduates gathered. A lot of the graduates were talking to each other jovially, and talking about they hoped they were on the same team. Akira decided to at least talk to his equal, himself [color=fff79a]"Idiots. Being a team of friends, and you'll all die. It's a pain, but I guess as long as my teammates aren't the bottom of the barrel, I'll be alright. Afterall, a heavenly light release user is an asset to the Hidden Cloud, and that's what it's all about. Who's an asset, and who isn't."[/color] The Sensei walked to front of the classroom, the list of teams in his hands. Akira was glad for the quiet that came from everyone shutting up and taking a seat. The sensei started off with a 'rousing speech' to which Akira could only groan and plant his face on his desk. A lot of other people seemed nervous, or jittery about the prospect, but not Akira. He just wanted it over with. He hoped he got other teammates who were higher up in the class, but other than that, he didn't care. Finally, the list of teams came. Team 4, his name didn't come out, he didn't care. Same story for Team 5. "Team 6, Akira Hikaru." Akira's head perked up finally, listening intently. "Himawari Kanagata." A name he didn't know that well, in otherwise an average or failure.... great. "Masshiro Negishi-Kemono." Akira smirked, someone with higher grades, he wasn't alone. "You three will serve together under Ranmaru-sensei." As the sensei finished, another teacher came up to the front, and whispered in Sensei's ear. He turned pale, then shuffled his papers. "*cough*. Well, it looks like Ranmaru had a bit of an....[i]accident[/i]. You three are assigned without a sensei for the time being. Your first mission is up here, collect it afterwards.. To continue, Team 7 is..." Akira slammed his head against the table. No sensei? What was that about? He WAS a light release user, but he was at least expecting a jonin to teach them. After a bit, the dull droning of Sensei finished as everyone was assigned. Akira picked up a copy of the mission, then approached Masshiro and Himawari. [color=fff79a]"Looks like I'm stuck with you two, without a sensei. Great."[/color]