Several days of training, school, and getting jobs had gone by. It was late September, and the air of the Gotham night's blew cold. While the most of the team of 'Gotham Titans' had went out with the hairy luchador, the brothers as well as Isis and Zero were still hanging around the gym. Robert and Daniel weren't used to Gotham as much as the others, choosing to stay in for now and eat what remained of the food from Taco Hut. To say Daniel was curious about the girl with wings was an understatement. Other than a few words in passing here and there the boys hadn't really interacted with the others. Then again it was still just the first week. Maybe Batman didn't want to push them too hard too quickly. Before Daniel could strike up conversation, Robert opened his mouth first... "So are you Hawkgirl's kid or something?" the older brother asked. "I thought you said you read the files Batman gave us all access to?" Daniel responded in a lower tone. "A lot of what Robin had gathered amounted to nothing as far as Batman's notes. So... you some kind of magical creature or something alien and related to Hawkman?" Robert continued at the winged wonder. "Honestly... I'm not even sure. My earliest memories are of Egypt..." Isis paused and winced with the recollection before continuing, "I would like to talk to Hawkman one day" "Hawkman was always one of my..." Daniel started to add before an alarm blared into the HQ and Grant came from upstairs. "I just got a call from Bats... where in the hell is the rest of the team?!?" he began before realizing there were only four teens in the HQ and really only three heroes available for a mission. "They've gone to an... Arcane? I think that was it..", Isis began, "I'm not sure what that has to do with games. One tried explaining it to the larger girl, are they playing with fire?" "...Nevermind. We don't have time to discuss 'My Teenage Life'. Zero, you need to get your head back in the game, son. Mr. Freeze has escaped Arkham and Bats is out of town with the Justice League. Some civilians down around the waterfront are trapped in some ice but it's unknown if Freeze is still in the area..." Wildcat began instructing as the boys fused and Isis rose into the air the bit she could to hover. "Hell yeah, 'bout time we get to take down one of Batman's enemies..." Leviathan said a bit anxious to go into battle. "Orders are to search and rescue any civilians trapped in the ice. Do NOT, and Bat's said to repeat this in my mean voice, DO NOOOT try to apprehend Freeze. He generally doesn't kill often and collateral damage needs to remain low for this Titans thing to work." Wildcat said cutting the ten foot tall hero off. "There's a Justice League teleporter upstairs in my closet in the bedroom of my apartment. Passcode is 1-9-4-2. When it comes up for a destination point, punch in 1-0-W-F. I'll try and locate the others, you guys go on ahead. Batman's trying to get a younger hero than me and more experienced than the likes of you all to deal with Freeze. NOW GET TO MOVING!!" Wildcat screamed in the end jumping on a motorcycle after he followed the kids upstairs. "How many arcade's could possibly be in Gotham between Midtown and Uptown... I can't seem to remember which ones are still around..." the older hero thought trying to remember, "Can't believe Bats doesn't even want me going after Freeze. I wonder what that's about..." [b]On the waterfront...[/b] Mr. Freeze had most of his suit equipped, only a half dozen or so civilians had got in his way. The Titans that were available were sent into action about a block away from where he was located. On this late September night the air was cold... ~KL~ / Endrance