Interest, I'll be lurking around until I get a chance to create a character Edit) [u][b]Character Sheet[/b][/u] [hider= Social Anxiety and Love Struggles in a single Bottle] [center][img][/img] [url=] Relationships are fragile and delicate like glass, pure and clear but when shattered its better to leave it broken rather than hurting yourself to piece it back together... To put on a straight face and move on, struggling each step you take barely keeping it together[/url][/center] [color=lightblue][color=white][b]Name:[/b] [/color] Qunin Murary [color=white][b]Age:[/b] [/color] 21 [color=white][b]Personality:[/b] [/color] Qunin is a very confused person, who has little sense on what his true self is, as he is perceived by most people from the outside as a quiet and helpful person. Inside he sees himself as a creative and artistic person, who has a universe of ideas and emotions but can't make them become true. While at the same time, he sees the inside of himself as a broken clockwork creation with a few missing gears which is building up tension before exploding with bottled emotions that aren't regularly expressed. His social skills and shyness are a defense mechanism to allow him to study the people that tries to befriend him, so he has time to evaluate them. Which can be a tricky process, since most people generally quit after trying once or twice and receive a single word or two and a few sentences once in a long while. His only comfortable time to talking with people is indirectly through messages, whether by paper, pictures, or by voice through the internet. As during these times, he has nothing to hide from those people, and can communicate easily without much fear. As he grew up he tried his best to break out of his silent shell and there are days where he is more outgoing than others while there are days he are silent like normal. If you manage to break his mask and become his friend, you can notice that Qunin is... 'different' in a way. One with secrets you don't expect to be holding any due to his polite and helpful nature, and containing a dark but comical streak of humor at times. But at the same time, he also breaks the facade of being reserved and is generally more outgoing and risk taking than what he normally is. Being more of a prankster and devious person, being surprisingly adept at manipulating people and doing sleight-of-hand tricks being a decent street magician. This humorous, energetic but darker side to him, is another safety mask that he wears as a extension of his personality. A repressed side of that he rarely shows only to his closest of friends and not even with his family, the people he lives with. It allows a part of him to be released that he doesn't freely have a chance to do so. Underneath this mask, no one ever sees the true Qunin. Who only he knows to be an insane soul with obsession and very strong infatuated for things that he desires for, but cannot get. His emotions are replicas of those that he seen from others, learning how to laugh along to blend it and make jokes to move around uncomfortable things. Not knowing how to really express this feelings properly. And underneath all his dirty masks that he wears to hide his one single defining trait, is that he is one greedy and jealous person, whether it be their appearance, personal belongings or simply their social standing. Always judging and critiquing others, while ignoring himself as he stumbles deeper into the dark bog that he simply cannot escape from. [color=white][b]Interests:[/b] [/color] To target the seed where everything sprouted from, Qunin just wanted to truly be loved, the solution is a simple fairy tale solution but in the real world is near impossible in the 21st century. He never has experienced true love as he has been hiding within society to look 'normal' and wants to express his feelings to someone who can accept him for who he is. But with everyone perceiving him as the shy kid, he isn't able to do that with anyone he knows. Instead steadily with corruption, his innocent want for love has turned into lust and infatuation for people that he wants to be loved by but cannot. And this is all boiling underneath the masks that he wears for society to appear normal to them, so he isn't judged and broken to reveal the dirty truth inside of him As a part of his childhood, his social skills had its points relocated to the internet, as it was his only source of connect to the outside world as he was kept in always inside the house. The internet allowed him to surf the digital world, often watching the news, playing games of all kind from the violent action ones to the RPGs, where he escaped to another life in another world. Which his interests in RPGs, lead him to anime of all kind of genres which distracted him from the troubles that he faced in the real world and within himself. He had all this time because of the fact that he was always taking care of her special-needs sister, he never got to make many friends besides a handful of them. So, having more friends or people who accepted him are one of the wishes that he wants, and tries desperately to do so but his nervousness often prevents him from doing so. [color=white][b]History:[/b][/color] Qunin was a very sheltered child and was often kept at home for a good reason, but his parents didn't know about the effects of doing so. Growing up as a child who always was giving things up for his special-needs sister, he sacrificed time and his life essentially for her. Growing up not knowing the warm sensation of having friends, meant that he without missing anything since he didn't have it. Moving around often, only hindered his ability to socialize as he lacked an example for him to remember how to do so. And so, he slowly was raised up as an awkward kid who was silent but quirky as he made friends with other strange and quirky people similar like him who could relate to his interests to a certain degree. But his lack of social skills proved their worth as even the strongest of bond between best friends were unraveled before they both saw each other as an very good friend once upon a time. To top off all of his struggles growing up, sexuality was another problem that Qunin face growing up, not knowing what to do as he distinctly lacked attraction to the female students at school but had an eye for the guys. Unsure of this feeling that he never felt before and never seen nor heard before, he kept these feeling bottle up. Moving through life as a closeted individual, as he slowly began to understand these attraction to other guys via the internet. Moving through Junior and High School as a procrastinator, he made it out of high school passing with average grades that equaled to a B in total and not being in many relationships. He dated only 4 girls during his whole high school years mostly in order to preserve face. Only confessing to his crush during the senor guy was on a guy from elementary at a party and was getting a little heated with him at a party. The next day, he when he curiously asked his crush about the other night, he was violently shot down, he joked around the situation and avoided a terrible scene. But after the incident, rumors spread by the one and only person, his crush to other guys and Qunin was tormented by the others. After this event, he only fell deeper within himself. Meeting another guy called Ramnson during his transition from High School to College, it was the only true experience he had about love. Fluster and innocent about what love was, he was an awkward but cute lover in the relationship which he loved every moment. Having the attention of someone who liked him for who he was, there relationship however ended abruptly when he said he was going to study abroad and left Qunin in shatter pieces when he said that long-distance relationship like this wouldn't work for how short they known each other. The love between them so no doubt obvious but unfortunate events were destined to separate them, leaving Qunin hollowed and empty, desperately wanting someone to love him. And so trying to move on with his life, he went on trying to explore more of the joys of being alive were. But as a person who lacked the connections to people who would open more doors, he was hopelessly stuck alone as he went to college with his silent shell and hidden secrets within it. [color=white][b]Appearance:[/b][/color] Qunin is the extremes of the scales of appearance, he used to be a dorky person with the strangest combination of clothing but now he is a cute and awkward looking guy with nice clothes. Wearing usually casual clothing with a lithe body that is naturally skinny due to the blessing of genetics. His hair is often brushed to the side and gives him a nice cute look due to his slightly feminine features that he has. The day he died he was wearing a deep blue long sleeve shirt that was folded up and a pair of dark blackish blue jeans. [color=white][b]Notes:[/b][/color] [/color] [/hider] [u][b]Deity Notes:[/b][/u] [hider= Norn (Deity Notes)] [b]Realm:[/b] A realm nearly empty with the exception of the floor having shards of shatter glasses that when looked at fives a broken reflection of yourself when looking at it. A symbolic meaning for something that only Qunin knows and is considered unremarkable in emotional depth to other gods. In the center of this realm is a glass mannequin at its default form when no one is in the realm. When being looked at, the mannequin turn into a realistic figure of the ideal lover of whoever sees it, appearing differently for each person who looks at the statue. [b]Form:[/b] Qunin has not changed his form, remaining as the same shy individual that he was during the accident. Wearing the same dark blue long sleeved shirt and dark pair of jeans. Standing at his original height of 5'10 and weighing 160 pounds. [b]Other/Notes:[/b] [/hider]